Communism: No Deportees and No Deporter-in-Chief

USA, July 14 ā€” Vile racist, xenophobic Trump attacked four Democratic congresswomen of color, tweeting that they should ā€œgo backā€ to the countries they came from. (Three were born in the US.)

The liberal imperialist New York Times said that Trumpā€™s tweets ā€œcrossed the line.ā€ What about separating children from their parents and putting them in cages? What about vice-president Pence callously inspecting Texas immigration prisons like a Nazi general inspecting concentration camps?

That same day, the New York Times noted that, like Trump, Presidents George W. Bush, Clinton and Obama were massive Deporters in Chief. They deported millions and broke up untold numbers of families. It then editorialized that all Presidents have been and should be Deporters in Chief.

What a vicious attack against our whole working class! The liberal ruling class hopes to win us to accept mass deportations and fascist border control as long as they are legal and done quietly.

They attack Trump for openly flaunting his crude racism and fascist cruelty. They prefer assassins with silk gloves, like Obama and Clinton, who quadrupled the number of border control agents. Make no mistake: the New York Times, too, is organizing for fascism.

The liberal rulers want to win masses of people enraged with Trumpā€™s vicious attacks on immigrants, and especially on children, to see the Democrats as the solution. They want us to see deportations, capitalist borders, laws and the capitalist system itself as necessary and permanent.

No reform movement will ever end the horrors that migrants face in their countries of origin or at their destination. Nations and borders were born with capitalism. They are the creatures of private property, markets and profits. Only a communist revolution can end them.

Capitalism also created the conditions that force millions to migrate: unemployment, crushing poverty, gang violence and wars. Then the capitalists super-exploit these workers, using the threat of deportation to try to keep them from rebelling. They attack the standard of living of all workers, trying to divide us by blaming immigrant workers for ā€œstealing jobsā€ that the capitalist economy destroyed.

Trumpā€™s openly racist fascist movement and the liberal rulersā€™ liberal movement both aim to perpetuate this system that inflicts monstrous horrors on the masses.

We must destroy it.

We are the mighty international working class. We can fight for and win a communist world without borders, nations, prisons or divisions between workers. A world where every worker is welcomed everywhere.

We must massively distribute Red Flag and our pamphlet Fight for the Day When No Worker Will Be Called Foreigner. We must recruit the angry masses to join ICWP to mobilize for communism.

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