Contradictions and the Struggles to Resolve Them

Conference Call: Ten Years of Mobilizing Masses for Communism and Moving Forward

Since the founding of our party in January 2010, we have spread from our first collectives in the Americas to new collectives of workers and youth in Africa, Asia and Europe.

The many-faceted crisis of capitalism has spurred massive migration. It has shown more clearly than ever that we are members of one international working class and must build one International Communist Workers’ Party.

And, in the face of a rising tide of racism, sexism, xenophobia, nationalism and open fascism, we have seen that masses everywhere are open to communism.

Masses want and need a world without borders or nations. A world where all can contribute to the common good, throughout our lives. A world where we collectively produce and distribute what we the masses need.

Our modest growth so far shows that we can do more – much more, and better. We must prepare ourselves to grow, qualitatively and quantitatively.

And to do that we need to analyze our work objectively and self-critically. We need to sharpen our tools – our understanding of the principles of communist philosophy, dialectical and historical materialism.

That’s why the ICWP will mark its tenth anniversary in January 2020 with conferences and meetings in El Salvador, South Africa, the USA and everywhere else we can.   We invite all collectives, members, Red Flag readers and other friends to join in the preparations and plan to attend.

Communism fights to end the division between “mental” and “manual” labor. Those who do the work must also plan the work and think about it. That starts now.

Communism depends on continually developing many, many leaders – especially among industrial workers and soldiers.   The new leaders who are advancing the Party’s work must lead, too, in learning, teaching and developing revolutionary communist theory.

The upcoming conferences pose an immediate task for our growing Party collectives in the maquilas of El Salvador and the factories of South Africa, and those in aerospace and transit in the US.

Comrades, how can these conferences be planned to best help you advance?   What contradictions describe and define your work? What is the nature of the struggle to resolve them?

Every Party collective has much to contribute. Young comrades in South Africa, India and elsewhere have already taken steps to study dialectical materialism in relation to their practical work.   They have begun writing for Red Flag about the results. We need to hear more from them, and from others.

What concepts and principles have been helpful? What are some examples? What do you think needs more clarification? Where are there disagreements?

Over the next two months, we need to consolidate a conference planning committee that incorporates new and developing leaders, especially young workers. We need boldness, imagination, and commitment.

The future of communism is bright. That future, comrades and friends, is in your hands.

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