South African Political Landscape Calls For Communism

PORT ELIZABETH (South Africa) — Political attitudes and moods are changing within the working class and the students alike. The masses, being at the receiving end of the brutal racist capitalist system, are changing attitudes and looking for alternatives.

The response from the bosses through their political parties has been to politicise the issue of Land (promising land back to the people). The ruling party ANC (African National Congress) used it to mobilize support (black voters) during the last elections. So did the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters).

The only solution to the land problem is communism, the total destruction of the capitalist system not only here but the whole world.

Land dispossession came through colonialist capitalists. They introduced land acts which forced masses from their land. They had it confiscated in order to enact and encourage private property ownership. Which is the material basis/ foundation of industrial capitalism in South Africa.

The only solution to inequality and poverty caused by capitalism is communist revolution, the total destruction of the capitalist system. Fighting for land should mean fighting for communism where private property will be abolished. The masses will own the means of production, including land, collectively. What they produce will be distributed according to the needs of the working class by the working class.

The masses are beginning to reject the ANC and other parties. This is evident in the number of voters, especially the youth, which a majority of them do not vote. They see that “solutions” represented by these parties do not work. Voting does not change anything.

This represents an opportunity for ICWP to recruit more workers and students to the movement. There has not been a shortage of students willing to join the movement. New comrades are writing articles and taking a lead role in distributing the Red Flag to the masses. There is room to do more.

Capitalism is in crisis. Capitalists are increasing their assault on the working class. They are cutting jobs, unemployment is skyrocketing, and corruption and crime are the order of the day. Anything short of communist revolution is not a good enough solution.

Most students are thought to be “left leaning”. Socialism or democratic socialism is not a solution to capitalism, it is state capitalism. It has proven that it does not end exploitation and the suffering of the masses.

Our call is for the masses to join ICWP and fight for communism directly. We welcome everyone who rejects capitalism and who is looking for an alternative. The alternative is communism.

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