Build ICWP for a Communist World

Los Angeles Comrade: Long Live the Working Masses! Long Live Communism!

The coronavirus and the capitalist crisis have put our Party to the test. These are historic events. The masses worldwide have been shaken and pulled away from their daily lives.

This process is full of experiences, dangers and opportunities. Of anger, panic, uncertainty, solidarity, and the need for action by the masses.

Capitalism is showing its true nature: murderer, exploiter, fascist and war-maker.

Millions wonder what to do. This gives us the opportunity and responsibility to fight for our alternative: a communist revolution, building a new society, based on meeting the needs of our vast international working class.

Internationally we have responded on different levels. But in general terms I believe that we have made progress, we have taken bold steps to consolidate our Party.

Actions in India, in South Africa, in the maquilas of El Salvador, in Los Angeles, and in other places give us confidence that we are advancing and will continue to advance.

The new tactics of producing and distributing Red Flag have been an advance, but this has also shown some weaknesses that as a Party we must resolve. We need more and new comrades in the Red Flag editorial collective.

The practice of collectives everywhere we are has helped advance our line and give leadership to the entire Party. We rely on the masses, and that practice is forging us as true communists.

These collectives do not function under “orders,” but rather through commitment: because they see the need to act. Like any other process, commitment has limits and contradictions. Part of our struggle is to understand and develop this process. This is how our Party works and this is how communism will work.

We have not reached the limits. We can do much, much more. Each collective must review its plan of work and struggle to do better. We have a great opportunity to grow, politically and massively. We must consciously develop new leaders in all areas who help move this communist process forward.

Capitalism’s attacks will continue, and be more and more criminal. Inter-imperialist rivalry is creating and will create a harder life for our class. The capitalists have recovered from crises, wars, pandemics, etc. Capitalism will not die on its own.

We must be clear that the only solution is communist revolution. It’s building communist society, without bosses, without borders, without racism, without sexism, without exploitation or imperialist wars.

We will build a new society where social and production relations will be for the benefit of the free workers, women and men. That is the communist society that we need and deserve so much.

Comrades and friends, the best thing we can do with our lives is to dedicate them to the complete liberation of our class, the working masses.

Today you have an opportunity to say, “I join you, comrades.” And we ask the comrades to take one or two more steps in their commitment to the communist struggle.

This won’t be an American Imperialist Century. It won’t be a Chinese Imperialist Century. It won’t be the century of any imperialist. It will be the international communist working-class century!

History is on our side. With a massive International Communist Workers’ Party mobilizing the world’s masses for communism and nothing less, our victory is inevitable. We will build a communist world!

Front page of this issue