Creating Communist Collectives

 U.S. and Canadian Pacific Northwest:

 I work at Boeing, which used to be the biggest aerospace company in the world. No more! We have chronicled the demise of this huge capitalist corporation in the pages of Red Flag. As is always the case under capitalism, millions of workers, in this case aerospace workers, are the ones who suffer.

But these workers are not the mere victims of this deadly system. They can—and will—become the grave diggers of capitalism and even more importantly, the creators of a new communist society. They can create a whole new way of producing what we need, communist production, and in the process create hundreds of millions of new communists.

Now, we have to plant the seeds of communist revolution. Workers are angry, even fed up with capitalism. They are looking not only at what we say, but also what we do.

Red Flag is filled with stories of workers struggling to mobilize for communism around the world. But if we give workers these stories to read and don’t follow up it will be of only limited value.

When the pandemic hit, we were physically separated from those we worked with. We formed three text groups. Everybody gets the paper and discusses it. We discuss everything else under the sun, including a lot of personal stuff.

These three groups are based on social cohesion, as much as overt politics. For example, the first group had already spent time vanpooling to work, going out to Pho dinners together and shared lots of barbeque and beer. This might not have been the most politically active group (some had reservations about communism), but they were a natural fit.

We always try—and often succeed—in getting those in these groups to distribute Red Flag themselves. They distribute the paper to coworkers, friends, family and to students.

We’d like to connect these groups. In order to do that, we have to expand the social connections between all the members—and among other party members. These relatively small groups of workers include black, Asian, Latin and white workers, immigrant and native born, men and women. It’s a good start to creating ICWP communist collectives.

This is what we are doing. Creating collectives that will grow and mobilize even more workers for communism. That, I think, is how we advance under attack.

New York City May 1st: Rent strikes and protests hit major US cities, demanding the cancellation of rent and mortgage payments.

Mexico City: Unite with Masses to Fight for Communism

This celebration of international workers’ day is such a unusual one and is a sign of our times.

The work being carried out in each region where the Party is active has captured our maximum attention. It represents a considerable international mobilization, coordinated and motivated by the principles of a communist organization.

Here the word “communism” has a more powerful meaning, since this mobilization understands by communism a society without money, without classes, where we all participate in the fight to control our ways of life.

We also recognize that many people are thinking about Communism. There are a lot of elements of the working class who are genuinely fighting for and thinking about our same goals, but who have built a way of seeing and making the communist world, some further away, others closer, and from whom we can learn.

Given this, and as a process of self-reflection about the practice of the cell in Mexico City, we propose that the ICWP unite with the masses who have the will to fight for our premises in a constant process of understanding the experience of the working-class struggle. This process requires more discussion, more reflection, more listening, in order to surpass where we are now.

Let’s think of the Party as a historic achievement to be reached.

Spain: Communist Greetings to All the Comrades!

During this COVID19 epidemic, more than two hundred thousand workers in Spain have been infected, and of those more than twenty-five thousand workers have died. Workers in Spain are fearful of losing their jobs. Some no longer have a job and are expecting a catastrophe of famine across the country.

We continue fighting to spread communist ideas here. Just like the comrades worldwide, we believe that the solution to the needs of workers is a new system. By following good discipline and love for communist political work we will be able to build that red army that will put an end to capitalist tyranny, pandemics, wars, racism and borders.

Front page of this edition