El Salvador: Communist Solidarity in Practice

Today the International Communist Workers’ Party is commemorating May Day, a very important day for the entire working class.

Today we are not in the streets, but we will return even stronger. The capitalist system, with its impulsive and challenging tools, encourages us to fight for a communist world, organized collectively in this crisis due to the pandemic.

We thank all the comrades who showed solidarity with the comrades from the factories here. On March 19, the factory owners decided to suspend work contracts until further notice and declared that there would be no wages.

So the Party organized to make a bag of food for each member who is affected by this pandemic and this system. They all received with joy what had been brought for them. We explained that all this was thanks to an international collective group that showed us the practice of communism.

An older comrade said: “I have not received any help from the government, nor from the city halls and today since I am unemployed, I need these provisions since in my family we are all unemployed.” The answer is clear from seeing how the system is incompetent in this situation. It is urgent that we mobilize to end all these miseries that we are living through today.

Factory Worker: Celebrating May Day

I have been a comrade of the International Communist Workers’ Party since 2015. I was invited to join the central committee in 2016. It has been a pleasure to be part of the work we do as a party. Our work here is always recruiting more workers to the party. We have carried out cell meetings, family meetings on different beaches, and distributing Red Flag hand to hand.

This year, as a consequence of COVID19, we were forced to change the way our party works because the rulers have implemented new measures. The government ordered the closure of the maquilas and our bosses have canceled our contracts without pay. We’ve seen hundreds of families affected.

It is here where the party’s work begins, explaining to the friends who are not yet organized in the party that this is the moment when we should all unite to end the politicians and the bosses, who only steal the value of our labor.

Only by being united we will achieve this: a different world where there are no class differences and we work collectively based on producing for need.

I also take this opportunity to thank you. As part of the practice of the party you have given us your help to be able to buy food to share with us, the workers of the maquilas.

This day, which is the day of the working class, we have always marched in the main streets of the capital, wearing party T-shirts, carrying flags and banners, distributing the Red Flag massively, then going together as a family to share snacks. Now it is different. We are celebrating the 134th anniversary of our Chicago martyrs from here in our houses.



“Hunger Revolution” in Tripoli, Lebanon, April 27-29. Workers and youth defy security forces, burn banks, march on politicians’ residences.

SEATTLE (US), May 1—ICWP comrades distributed Red Flag at caravan and across the street, where the mostly Latinx and Asian workers formed a 2-block line at a food bank. Three women from El Salvador were especially excited to read about how the party is helping laid-off factory workers there. We ran out of papers. We decided to go back regularly. Taking leadership from our comrades in El Salvador, we will put the communist principle “to each according to their need, from each according to their commitment” into practice.

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