Greetings from Malaysia and India

Red Salute from Kashmiri Worker in Malaysia

Comrades, in Kashmir, I was a member of the large left-oriented Jammu and Kashmir Student Federation.

After that I was attracted to nationalism, which led to thinking about socialism. However, I realised that communism is the only way.

Today you can see that in Kashmir many people are attracted to communism.

Look at the world. The whole world is dependent on the wage slaves. Without us, as you can see, everything is coming to a halt.

Now we see that the 1997 crisis, the 2007-8 crisis, gave rise to the huge crisis of today. Because now the crisis is globalized. The US is seriously weakened. China is rising but it is also seriously affected by the crisis.

So, when coronavirus came, it intensified the already existing crisis.

The biggest crisis in the world is that of oil. There is no place to keep the oil.

Marxism and dialectical materialism teach us to understand the crisis from scientific point of view. It is the science of future. It gives us the tools of fighting,

As Lenin said, now the society has only two paths: either death and destruction, or Communism.

If we want to go forward, save the working class, we must fight for communism. Communism is the only thing working class is aspiring to.

Only communism can create life on this planet. Capitalism has destroyed the land, rivers, and environment. Communism will revive the nature and make it into nurturing environment.

Today, more than any time before, we must fight this sick and dying capitalist system. We can and we will destroy capitalism. We will build communism.

India: Party Collectives Grow in the Face of Fascist Repression

From the food distribution centers of Delhi to the garment workers in Bengaluru and autoworkers in Chennai: ICWP members, coworkers, friends and neighbors bring a heartfelt message of solidarity! In our unstoppable march to abolish wage slavery and replace it with communist society to fulfill needs of the international working class, we are advancing every day.

On May Day of 2020, our collectives in three areas met to strengthen our resolve to build our party. We sang the popular communist song ‘Hum Dekhenge’ (‘We Shall See’) in different languages. The song gives a revolutionary message. It says that we will see that our tormenters will disappear from the face of earth as hungry masses destroy everything to do with oppression. We also sang ‘the International’ and exchanged greetings of solidarity with our comrades in Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

We could not organize big mass events due to the lockdown, but we did recruit some new youth and workers to our party. Since the countrywide lockdown was imposed, we have recruited at least two dozen new comrades to the party.

In the face of capitalist catastrophe, we are learning to live communist lives. The comrades who are involved in distributing food to the migrants take considerable risk as physical distancing is impossible. The comrades work long hours and they feed the masses before they get to eat themselves. We rely on the masses to donate food and money to feed those in need.

We are openly advocating communism as the only alternative to end the murderous capitalist system of profit. We take every opportunity in our discussions and distribution to talk about communism at the same time we are careful, as fascist repression is severe.

The fascist BJP and its paramilitary forces that are in power blamed Muslims and Chinese for the spread of Covid-19. Capitalist bosses are using anti-Muslim communalism to attack all the workers, especially Dalits.

Due to obstacles and restrictions, most of us will not be able to participate in the virtual May Day event. But we want to assure you that we are advancing. Nothing can stop us. We are inspired by other comrades and their communist work around the world.

Forward comrades! Laal salam (Red Salute). Join ICWP today and not tomorrow. Long live communism!

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