Los Angeles Transit Workers Write to Red Flag

Today we gathered for our weekly meeting. Some of the topics we discussed were what drives a capitalistic Society, are we on the verge of war, and the negative effects of media propaganda.

   We understand that we are part of the working class. Our ideas can contribute to our own capitalistic enslavement, which only benefits the ruling class. Part of the discussion led into an understanding of the production of an abundance of goods, and about who controls the global market.

Then we discussed whether we thought we were on the verge of a world war. We also discussed whether there has been a worse time in our lifetime. We mentioned that some of us did not really follow current events in the past. We all came to an agreement that we are one bullet away at this current moment from a global war.

Then we talked about how resourceful media can be and how advantageous it may be to any particular party to spread negative propaganda about communist ideas. An article was summarized from Forbes.com. It included hidden messages that communist ideas are bad, but it didn’t say why. In brief, it just said that Bernie Sanders would be bad as President of the U.S. because of some his socialist beliefs which the article said are the same as communism.

A member mentioned that he had also read an article that stated that it is bad for our country to be open to other types of societies. The same article said that a survey showed that more than 50% of Americans from 18-40 years of age are open to socialistic ideas. The article said, in simple terms, that communist ideas are bad. Negative examples from previous nations that were only a socialist-style government and never a pure form of Communism were also mentioned in that article. In other words if you did not follow the capitalistic idea you were labeled a horrible communist.

After the discussions most of the members left with the mindset that tough times are near. That’s because of the capitalistic ideas that thrive off of greed and keep the working class uninformed about the realities we live in today.

People want change but feel hopeless at the same time. It felt like the members have used these discussions to believe in hope. It is important that the working class gets informed about what is really going on and fight to stop the exploitation of our fellow working-class members from the reckless ways of the ruling class. There is hope, my friends, and hope may come from being open to change in our out-of-control society.

—MTA comrade

I am an employee of a public transportation agency. I work as a commercial mechanic. This is my story about how I became interested in knowing about our society we live in today and others that have existed. Let me also apologize in advance for my poor writing skills.

I recently have had numerous conversations with an ICWP member in regards to everyday things. Not once did we discuss any communist topics. I did know he/she read and carried Red Flag literature but not once did I think anything bad about it. I am the type of person that respects one’s beliefs.

One day he/she asked if I was interested in joining a meeting with other co-workers who talk about political parties. I was unsure, but I did attend. My mind kept telling me not to get targeted by coworkers or management for attending this meeting so that I don’t jeopardize by livelihood of my family. I am open to discuss and hear different ideas of a well balanced society.

I also attended an off site gathering that further discussed our experiences and concerns.

I have not chosen to be an official member of any sort and I have not said that Communist ideas are the best. It is my choice to learn, acquire knowledge, and be informed of today’s ever changing society.

—Friend at MTA

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