Aerospace Workers: Capitalist Crisis Deepens

Surging Layoffs and Racist Attacks: Use Red Flag Networks to Advance Under Attack

SEATTLE (US), October 29ā€”Boeingā€™s layoffs and racist attacks are accelerating. This upsurge speaks to the truth of the last two Boeing Red Flag articles. The first emphasized the need for communist organizers to end racism, and the CEOā€™s phony pledge to address company racism. The second called for communist collective production to replace the failed capitalist model. Many thought the articles were helpful.

Even on-the-spot communist articles wonā€™tā€”in and of themselvesā€”mobilize masses for communism. More workers must write for and distribute Red Flag. The practice of circulating and defending the paper will develop more communist organizers and grow the ICWP.

Soon after the company announced almost double the planned job cuts, a friend in a comradeā€™s old crew texted about upcoming transfers. Transfers increase during periods of layoffs. This year and next, three shift operations are being reduced to one shift operation. Those workers who escape layoff are being sent all over the place.

Transfers seriously upend workersā€™ lives. Under capitalism, you have to worry even more about your job when the bosses send you to areas where you donā€™t know anybody or how to run the new machines. Historically, Boeing bigshots have transferred comrades when they have led anti-racist fightbacks.

Thirteen workers from the friendā€™s crew are being forcibly sent to other worksites. Our friend made the point that all are Asian. Almost all are immigrants. He said it was racist.

The comrade referenced the Red Flag article on Boeingā€™s racism, saying he never believed the CEOā€™s pledge to increase workforce diversity. His friend agreed. As the day wore on, many other workers texted their agreement. They were all suspicious about managementā€™s motives.

Then a retired friend chimed in. ā€œItā€™s always been racist!ā€ wrote this Red Flag reader. She thought the racist cuts would continue. ā€œAnd itā€™s not going to turn around like it used to.ā€ Current, retired and laid-off workers were emphatic: racism has been built into the Boeing culture for decades.

In communism, workers will regularly help out where needed, but our work and livelihood will never be threatened. We will produce only for our collective needs. Collective production will create a climate that will get us through the difficult stretches. And any change of work assignments will involve multi-racial and gender-integrated crews.

Workers Are Turning to Comrades for Counsel

Another worker from a different area summed up the situation. ā€œI havenā€™t been in a hard time like this. All of a sudden, the 737 Max problem, then Covid-19, then the protests everywhere, the layoffs, the election. Itā€™s really a long stressful time. Iā€™m tired. I wonder what I can do?ā€

A retiree in this text groupā€”who has relatives and friends around the globeā€”encouraged her: ā€œHang in there! Itā€™s hard for everyone around the world.ā€

A comrade added what keeps him going: ā€œTalking to workers, writing for Red Flag and helping others write for the paper. Hearing from others how they are fighting back.ā€ That helps him ā€œmove forward and focus on changing the fundamentals that influence all our lives.ā€ It all boils down to building for communist revolution to end the horrors of capitalism.

Build Red Flag Networks; Grow the Party

Red Flag has been on top of these key issues with communist analysis. The struggle among the partyā€™s orbit has been upfront. Not only comrades, but friends of ICWP have contributed to these articles.

But we still need more written (or texted) contributions from the shop floor.

Comrades and friends have to build and expand networks of Red Flag readers. To start, the half dozen or so Boeing workers referenced in this article are invited to begin showing the paper to their friends. If they are already showing the paper to a few friends, how about a few more?

In this way, we can get the reactions of a larger group of workers. When our friends distribute the paper and see more workers responding, it will encourage them to join the ICWP. Building Red Flag networks is vital to building the party and advancing under attack.

Front page of this issue