From South Africa to USA: Communism Will End Racist Violence

From South Africa End Racist Violence here ā™¦ From LA End Racism and Gang Violence here ā™¦ Car Caravan Against Racist Killer Cops here ā™¦

Mobilize Masses for Communism to End Capitalismā€™s Racist Violence

Greetings to all the ICWP comrades,Thank you for this opportunity to speak on gang violence happening in my neighborhood. It is a result of capitalism. In my area some coloureds [mixed-ā€œraceā€ people] are killing blacks. In other areas it varies. This is racial war. Racism is the most powerful tool of capitalism, which is designed against the working class. If ICWP was in power, we know that racism would not exist at all.

I feel bad about this. This is really hurting me. I donā€™t know what we can do except mobilize the masses for communism. A member of ICWP was also shot dead. Itā€™s been going on now for a long time. Thereā€™s plenty of weapons in my hood, and shootings.

This is the work of the capitalism because capitalism is designed against the working class. This is no coincidence. That is why capitalism needs to be eliminated.

People are dying. That is why I feel so sad and why I feel there is a need for us to strongly push ICWPā€™s mission very very hard. The only organisation that can stop this is one that fights to eliminate the whole system that has power now, which is capitalism.

In communist society and government there will not be racism. There wonā€™t be guns. There wonā€™t be wars. There wonā€™t be hunger. ICWP is the only organisation that can stop this violence. No other political party can stop this violence. They can say they will stop it but itā€™s a lie. Just like the coronavirus is the work of capitalism. Everything that is bad that is happening to our society, that is killing our society, that is against our working-class, is a tool of capitalism.

The system is based in promoting capitalism and maximizing their profits. Capitalism doesnā€™t care about peoplesā€™ lives. They only care about money. We are losing our brothers and sisters. Close friends are dying in my hood. In just one month there have been five killings. I also heard that the friend of the person who was shot has also been killed as well. Itā€™s not only his friend. Killings are escalating.

This is very much hurting comrades. This war must end. We must mobilize masses for communism harder than before, stronger than before.

ā€”A Comrade in South Africa

End Racism and Gang Violence by Fighting for a Communist World

Dear comrades in South Africa,

I am sending my deepest condolences to the family of our fallen comrade Zipho who died in the crossfire of gang violence, his father who has also passed, and the other comrade who died of his wounds as well.

I am all too familiar with gang violence in working-class neighborhoods. Anywhere capitalism exists, anti-social behavior amongst our working-class brothers and sisters is possible.

Here in Los Angeles, for years Black and Latinx youths have been fooled to believe that we are in competition for resources and jobs in our community. This has caused so much bloodshed due to the formation of gangs. These gangs originally were created to protect their own people who were being attacked by white gangs, back in the 1950s and early 60s. Thatā€™s changed, decades later, where street gangs here commit violent acts against their own working-class brothers and sisters.

It is even more of a shame that ICWP and the working class has lost a comrade active in the struggle to end this evil system which creates the opportunity for racism and gang violence.

Now, more than ever, we have to remain strong in the fight for one united working class where the color of your skin does not matter and where our youths always feel a part of the community. We canā€™t waver in the fight to destroy capitalism and all the horrors it has bred. We must fight on to destroy the system that thrives on individualism and poisons youths to believe that gangs and being an outsider is more appealing than being a part of a collective which helps provide for all.

In a communist society, racism and gang violence will be obsolete because there will be no competition for neighborhoods which are thought to be owned by the people living there but are actually comprised of homes owned by the banks. We will all work to produce what the collective needs rather depending on profits to get them.

This is the world our fallen comrade was fighting for, a communist world, and this is the world that we must win to save lives. We salute our fallen comrades and fight on as the best way to honor their memory and fighting spirit. We will not let Ziphoā€™s work be in vain. The workers united will never be defeated!

ā€”Comrade in Los Angeles (USA)

Los Angeles, USA ā€“ Comrades Join Caravan protesting Racist Murders by LA County Sheriffs

LOSā€ˆANGELESā€ˆ(US), December 6ā€”A car caravan through south LA demanded that newly elected DA Gascon immediately bring murder charges against the racist cops who killed Fred Williams, Dijon Kissee, AJ Weber, Andres Guardado, and many others.

In the parking lot as people put signs on their cars, many gladly took Red Flag.

Black Lives Matter had organized a campaign to get rid of the LA DA Jackie Lacey, who refused to prosecute cops for their relentless racist murders of Black and Latinx youth.

Reform candidate George Gascon was elected instead of Lacey. While Gascon was DA in San Francisco for 8 years, he never prosecuted any on duty police for murder! He claims he was hemmed in by state law.

Capitalism needs racist terror to try to prevent the unity of all workers against the racist system of wage slavery. The courts, the DAā€™s, and the police represent the capitalist state that keeps the masses exploited.

To end racist police murders we need a communist revolution to destroy the capitalist state, their courts and jails. Masses need communism. There wonā€™t be police. The masses will produce everything to meet the needs of everyoneā€”and guarantee security. Read and distribute Red Flag and join ICWP to help win this struggle!

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