“American Dream” Turns into Nightmare

Capitalism’s False Promises Exposed: Workers Need Communism

I am a “baby boomer,” a child of the late 1940s and 1950s. My generation was brought up on the so-called “great all-American ideals:” love of country, motherhood and a certain sweet dessert. We “pledged allegiance” in grade school each morning to a nation that promised that our word and dedication would be repaid. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had the “social security” system set up to take care of “senior citizens,” meaning those considered too elderly to work.

What we are receiving now, instead, is that corrupt elected officials twist language to rob those who paid into this system for decades. The poorest of African and South American countries have national healthcare, from birth to decrepitude. Their clinics may be the simplest of structures and care and supplies, minimal, but their existence stands in stark contrast to the heartless, uncaring US for-profit insurance plans.

Governments, many called democracies or republics, have fallen short on providing even the most basic of necessities to their populations. We understand that the problems are simply the result of uneven and uncaring modes of governance, under the grinding heel of self-interested capitalists.

The coronavirus has had the worst effects on the poorest populations, even in developed countries. Natural disasters, many the result of abuse and neglect of ecological systems, have devastated low-lying coastal and island lands. Elected officials are lining their pockets and carrying out the will of the super-rich, the monied upper class.

This was on my mind as I participated in a recent international Zoom party forum about the importance of the party message and how to carry and spread it further.   All workers are vital and needed to grow the party, to further our efforts to build a communist world where are all taken care of, none is left behind.

—Comrade in Los Angeles (USA)

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