Maquila Worker Confronts Supervisor and Union Leaders

Communist Maquila Worker Defies Boss and Union Leaders

EL SALVADOR, January 5— “I went on a political outing with the Red Flag comrades,” said MC. “The atmosphere of comradeship and solidarity is very pleasant. They bring the families of the readers and Party members to very good discussions. They teach you that, if I am very busy, the comrades in the factory help you and that you also have to help others, I liked it a lot. I’m even going to tell a friend to make the T-shirts for May Day. “ At work the next day, MC told this to the leaders of the bosses’ union that she is affiliated with.

As comrades of the International Communist Workers’ Party, we want to tell you a little about how the bosses and their servants are putting obstacles in the way of us being able to recruit more workers into the Party. MC has been taking Red Flag from us since last year. At the beginning of this year, she joined our broader meetings.

When the bosses and those in the union realized that she was joining the ICWP, they started discriminating against her. They don’t give her a stable place to work. A supervisor told her, “This is happening because you are paying attention to J. We know that they are from the Red Flag group, because of the bad advice they give, about communist ideas.” They said these relationships were causing her problems at work. And that’s why the union did not support her either; on the contrary, they were also attacking her.

But she answered the supervisor: “I am not a child. I am a worker and I know how to distinguish right from wrong in case someone would give me bad advice. And I know well several members of the Party that distributes Red Flag. They are not bad people; they only do humane things. They don’t like the injustices that you as bosses do to the workers.”

And because she told the supervisor all that, they left her without a stable place, for several months. That worried us a lot because she was about to be taken off the job. However, MC, very sure of her status as a member of the working class, told us, “Calm down, don’t worry. I’m going to continue receiving and reading Red Flag. These bosses aren’t going to scare me off so easily. And today I discovered that the bosses are the ones that the unions serve.” She continues with the ICWP in its revolutionary communist process.

Struggles like this one of this new ICWP comrade give us greater courage and strength, since the fear of losing our job is part of our life as workers. But our dignity and labor power also lead us towards the final victory, where the working class will lead the communist world.

Our main goal is to recruit more workers, not the union leaders, to our party. Just as comrade MC realized that they are sellouts and only serve the boss, many workers will also realize that and will join us in mobilizing the masses for communism.

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