Distributing Red Flag in El Salvador

Comradely greetings to all the men and women comrades of the International Communist Workers’ Party all around the world.

Very enthusiastically I write to you for allowing me to be part of the Party. I have no doubt that the struggle to change this system is very much alive. In the ICWP, we are making a daily struggle for more men and women workers to organize with us.

One day this week I went to distribute our Red Flag newspaper at the maquiladora factory I was fired from last month. When I heard that there was going to be a distribution of the party’s literature at that plant, I didn’t hesitate for a moment to volunteer to help the comrades who were going to carry this out.

While I was distributing the newspaper, I met many former co-workers. They were very happy to receive the newspaper from me. It was a great experience for me, because it was the first time I distributed Red Flag. I was thinking about how my former co-workers would react. But I saw that they received it with a lot of hope that one day the bosses’ system will end.

I am still looking for another job and the comrades have helped me. I have felt that the ICWP has not abandoned me. That encourages me much more to always continue forward and fight for a better world.

—Comrade Worker.