‘Sardines’ Anti-Fascist and Anti-Racist Mass Movement in Italy.

The ‘Sardines’ are an anti-fascist and anti-racist mass movement in Italy. It is mobilizing thousands of Italian and immigrant workers and students to fight against the Silvini government and its racist anti-immigrant policy.

The leaders of this movement seek to come to power through elections so they can change the anti-immigrant laws. But many of their followers are open to communist ideas.

Thousands of workers, students and refugees have taken to the streets of cities in Germany and Austria with the slogan “WELCOME, REFUGEES.” They are strongly protesting anti-immigrant policies and showing solidarity with immigrants.

Mobilizations with this same slogan have taken place in Barcelona, Madrid and other Spanish cities.   In spite of growing unemployment, many people actively support the movement by providing migrants with water, clothing and food.

The Bukaneros are supporters of the Rayo Vallecano, a soccer team in the neighborhood of Vallecas, Spain. They, together with some of the team’s players, organize retreats and collect help for immigrants and homeless people. The Vallecas neighborhood is a safe haven for immigrants. Fascists are not allowed.

In Greece, the neo-Nazi group Aurora Dorada attacked Egyptian fishermen with metal bars. Antifascists, especially young people, fought these fascists in the streets with bats and firebombs.

Migrations have existed throughout history. But capitalism, with its wars, racism, climate change, etc., has made it a deadly problem.

The masses are on the move. They need communist ideology. The united working class will be indestructible once it is led by its International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP).

In communism, there will be no countries because there will be no borders. Countries and borders are capitalist instruments to keep the workers apart.

Join ICWP and become part of the international movement to end the capitalist system.

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