The Importance of Taking Action

Are you satisfied with todayā€™s society? That is the question I asked myself when I began my journey of attaining knowledge of trying to make sense of todayā€™s world.

If you are not satisfied, answers will be unveiled throughout the process of acquiring knowledge. It requires very little effort to read this paper Red Flag and expose the truth of the corrupt Capitalistic society we live in today.

Just by being open to different ideas ā€“ communist ideas ā€“ and willing to learn the possibility of a better society ā€“ communism ā€“ is one small step for us, the working class to make a difference. We are here to share this information to our co-workers, friends, and family. Exposure to the truth is Capitalismā€™s biggest fear, truth that we the working class can attain and use in our favor.

Iā€™ve asked myself: How did we get to the point in our society that we are in today? Iā€™ve had sleepless nights wondering how Iā€™m going to eat after I paid my rent. The stress that is created of waiting for my next pay check so I can put food on the table is outrageous. I do not believe the creation of

humanity was designed to be oppressed by the greed of the Capitalistic ideas that control our so-called ā€œbeautifulā€ nation.

A major issue we have today is the lack of the vital support that our society needs.Ā  When people donā€™t get the vital support we need, only the working class suffers, not the ruling class.

I still donā€™t understand why the working class have become numb to the abuse that only the working class has to cope with in our lives.Ā  I too had become numb. However, Iā€™ve chosen to believe in something that can accomplish a healthy and a well-deserving society.

The destruction of Capitalism is key to remove the chaos we deal with and begin the healing process of our beautiful planet.Ā  This CapitalisticĀ society we live in today, which is fueled by greed, racism, and the destruction of our planet, is not what we as people are here to cope with at the pleasure and wrath of the Capitalistic ruling class.

You as the reader have a beautiful ability.Ā  That ability is to use and strengthen your mind at limitless boundaries.Ā  I challenge you as the reader to explore and understand why we, the working class, suffer as global citizens.

By us contesting the Capitalistic ideas and acquiring knowledge is the first step in having a better life.Ā  We challenge these oppressive Capitalistic ideas by attending communist study groups, watching videos, reading books, reading this paper and having well-informed members share information with you.

ā€”Los Angeles Metro worker

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