The Insurrection the Masses Need Is for Communism

EL SALVADOR, February 15— “The insurrection will be by the masses or it will not happen,” responded a comrade. A worker had asked about the call for insurrection against the Legislative Assembly, made by new president Nayib Bukele.

Bukele asked the Salvadoran people to present themselves in San Salvador at the National Assembly on Sunday, February 9. He wanted them to pressure this state body to approve a $109 million loan, and to implement the third phase of their security plan called the Territorial Control Plan.

Thousands were present. Some were forced by their bosses. Others have the illusion that the president is doing the right thing about controlling the gangs.

The Territorial Control Plan, according to the president and his officials, is to guarantee the “security of the Salvadoran population.” And that is why he says the approval of this loan is urgent. However, there are agreements between this government and a Mexican company (SeguriTech Integral Security) that specializes in the sale of security equipment and services.

Is the government really interested in the safety of the people? No! It’s interested in the next election of deputies and mayors. With this circus, it intends to wear down the political parties that could subtract votes from it. Bukele’s “New Ideas” Party hopes in this way to win the majority of deputies in the legislative assembly.

Historically, the masses of El Salvador have been under the domination of the capitalist ruling class and imperialism. The only security these economic powers are interested in is their own. The military equipment they want to buy will serve that purpose: to protect their wealth.

Another aspect of this confrontation between the legislative and executive branches of government has to do with the security business.   Many congressmen mainly from ARENA and the FMLN are owners of these companies. The number of private security guards exceeds that of the National Civil Police (PNC).

These companies see their millions of dollars in profits threatened. They have had contracts with various governments for years. And they have profited from the state budget, pocketing juicy profits. They take the profits and the working class takes the deaths, the products of the rottenness of this capitalist system.

When the stability of the bourgeois class is in danger, they will use the army to crush any rebellion of the working class. But there will be millions of us who will decide to change the system. There will be no guns that can stop this.

The revolution will come! It will be organized by the ICWP (International Communist Worker’s Party). We fight openly for communism.

The workers must mobilize directly for communism. In the communist system there will be no money. By getting rid of this material base, many of the problems that affect the workers will disappear. Even though some long-term effects remain, we will overcome them. The issue of security will be one. We will take care of each other. Collectives will be formed taking care of this aspect of life, but we will all be responsible.

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