India: Starve the Bosses, Fight for Communism

“Starve The Bosses To Death, Fight For Communist Revolution”

April 20 – “Look at this endless queue of hungry people,” said a comrade. “They have built the cities. They toiled long hours every day to build apartment complexes, highways, bridges, supermarkets. They worked in the farms to produce food. They worked in thousands of restaurants, cooked food, cleaned dishes. Now they are hungry, homeless and trying to walk hundreds of kilometers back to their villages.”

A comrade of the International Communist Workers’ Party in Delhi reported that “Our efforts to feed the hungry masses have reached a critical stage.” He and at least sixteen other comrades and friends of ICWP are among several thousand volunteers around India. These brave young women and men are relentlessly feeding migrant workers who face hunger, eviction and death due to the countrywide coronavirus lockdown.

“When will this end?” ask exhausted volunteers and the migrants lining up for food.

Volunteers feeding the masses in India.

These ICWP comrades were involved in the mass fight against fascist citizenship laws a few months ago. They wrote a very short pamphlet entitled “STARVE THE BOSSES TO DEATH, FIGHT FOR COMMUNIST REVOLUTION” and are circulating it with food parcels.

In the streets of Delhi, we see hungry masses and feel tremendous hatred for the capitalist system that brings them misery and death. We need to smash this murderous profit system. Communism will allow no profit-hungry bosses. It will feed the masses, create housing and healthcare based on our need.

The volunteers with whom we work day and night are very receptive to our communist solutions. We emphasize the need for many of them to join ICWP to prepare the masses for communist revolution. Our comrades are spread among various relief camps. Our pamphlet and electronic copy of Red Flag unite us when we cannot effectively communicate with each other. We estimate that at least 10 people have joined ICWP.

We are trying to co-ordinate our activities with the comrades in Bengaluru and in Chennai. The garment worker comrade who started our communist activities in Bengaluru reported that one comrade received an eviction notice. We raised enough money to help the family, but this is not the only family in such dire situation.

So now the comrades are openly organizing for a rent strike. This idea is spreading like a wildfire. The house of the comrade is buzzing with activities and lively conversations about how communism will end the terror of capitalism. This is bringing dozens of garment workers and their families closer to ICWP.

In Bengaluru our comrades who work in IT have been very active in distributing Red Flag electronically in various parts of India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam and Cambodia. Some have joined a non-profit organization called Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC). This group reaches out to the garment workers around the world. By our participation in CCC we are able meet (online) and distribute Red Flag to garment workers around the world.

Before the coronavirus crisis we were preparing for a weekend activity to study the communist philosophy of dialectical materialism. Due to the lockdown, we cannot physically meet at a central location.

We believe that the looming capitalist depression will bring millions around the world into the streets looking for answers. We must continue to deepen our understanding of dialectical materialism. This will give us confidence and ability to analyze emerging contradictions and provide communist responses to recruit the masses to our party. Three different Party collectives in India are organizing for a weekend in June when all our comrades will participate in lively discussions to build our communist future.

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