Chile: Angry, Hungry Masses Need Communist Revolution

Hungry Workers Fight, Capitalist Bosses Tremble!

From Cape Town, South Africa to Santiago, Chile, thousands of workers around the world have begun to rebel for lack of food. Red and white rags have become symbols of hunger. Capitalism, throughout its history, has never been able to supply the most basic needs of the working class. It is time to change it. Let’s fight for Communism.

Billions of workers cannot bring daily sustenance to their homes, due to confinement due to the pandemic crisis created by the capitalist system. The aid promised by governments hasnā€™t come.

Tired of waiting, workers in Chile, Colombia, South Africa, Bangladesh, India, Argentina, Venezuela, and many other countries have gone into the streets. With red or white flags, they denounce the governments and demand food. They have confronted the police, closing streets, throwing rocks, looting and stocking up on products from big department stores. Taking what is theirs, and what has always been denied them.

The workers, with their own hands, have built cities, cars, and airplanes. They have planted and harvested crops. Now they are fighting back.

And now the bosses tremble. This pandemic has exposed them. While they have become 10% richer, the working class has become 20% poorer.

These struggles of the working class, for the most part, have been spontaneous. Some have been organized by liberal or revisionist groups that take advantage of the workersā€™ discontent to win votes and perpetuate the capitalist profit system.

The International Communist Workersā€™ Party does not believe in elections. We fight to change the capitalist system, which is the cause of all the crises that affect the workers. We want to build a new Communist system, where the need for money doesnā€™t exist, where we don’t have to worry about food shortages.

We will be the working class, the owners of our present, and our future. Let us now fight for our immediate need, to overthrow the current system, capitalism. And let us build a Communist society.

Santiago, Chile, May 18 ā€“ Youths fight carabineros in anti-government protest

Letter to a Comrade: Hard to Sow a Field of Communal Equality

My great and admired Juanā€”I want to explode in so many ideas, but I am still absorbing the robbery and massacre of my people, unfortunately and to my deepest pain I see how the communist party of Chile has sold out to capital.

One day, my friend, I will express my feelings and I believe that it will not be in support of the Communist Party because here it is being represented by thieves and hidden capitalists.

Marioā€™s words resonate in my ears when he spoke to me about abolishing money, and dear Juan, I believe him. But here the struggle is hard, because where you would like to sow a field of communal equality, you face rats that dress in red and hide in a hammer and sickle.

Here the fight will be hard when we return to the streets, and my dreams of returning to Spain or visiting the US may be cut short by a bullet or by prison.

I am sad. I dedicated my life to finding my happiness and today sadly I see that my life was dedicated to fighting against a factory of thieves, dressed in all colors.

Juan, thank you for your trust, and that of all the others who supported me and opened the doors of their homes without knowing me and made me feel like part of the family.

Juan I am at war against everyone who lies and steals from the people and the worker. I donā€™t care about their color and their costume. One day it will be known that I only wanted to be happy and have peace for myself and for all. I am not a leader, much less a martyr, but this is beyond me. My people suffer. Red Flag will have to wait until I feel that itā€™s useful.

I love you all more than life, and believe me I am not happy, but I will be, when I see that the brother who sits at my table is equal to all. It is time for revolution not of words, not of letters, itā€™s not time for ideas but for actions.

Greetings comrade.

ā€”Friend in Chile

LA Comrade Responds: Thank you for your letter, which is very impressive, full of love, analysis, and a lot of anger. We agree with a vision of a new world without capitalist rats. We agree that the false communists (really capitalists) of the Communist Party of Chile are what you describe.

You know that around the world there are millions of workers fighting against this rotten system. We in ICWP have fought for many years against those who falsely call themselves communists or who are for National Liberation or populism.

The pages of Red Flag are full of these analyses and those struggles for a communist society. It is true that we need an armed revolution to establish the new society, and that is why we need to build our party and massive red army. For that we need organization and a constant recruitment campaign with a communist ideology. Without that, capitalism will be restored to continue its oppression.

To create a new society where we all see ourselves as one family without distinction, a big heart and a gun are not enough. We also need a communist ideology with a goal of how to achieve it. We have a plan and we are working on it. Today there are comrades in many parts of the world fighting for that vision. I ask you to read and analyze Red Flag and to distribute it.

Take care of yourself, because we need to keep fighting

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