Letters from Readers, Los Angeles, USA

The Democratic Party Will Not Save Us from Unemployment or Homelessness.

            Trump is the most visible face of racism and fascism but the journey to where we are now is the result of the wealthy doing everything they can to gain more at the costs of the live$ of billions of workers the world over.

Voting for Democratic candidates will not save workers from the greed of capitalism. The Democratic Party is just another party of the wealthy. They “seem” less threatening to workers but in fact, they also undermine us by implementing laws and policies that lead to the suffering of millions.

Financial institutions were bailed out of the financial crisis THEY created under Obama. Meanwhile families lost their homes to foreclosure and bankruptcy. Democrats currently support the bailing out of multi-billion-dollar companies during the Covid-19 crisis as workers are losing jobs, homes, and are in excessive student loan debt!

Worse still, no president in the past or currently has deported more undocumented workers than the Obama administration at 2.5 million over the course of his years in office.

Democrats look to Black and Latinx voters to maintain their power base despite their lack of fighting for the rights of service workers during COVID-19. Black and Latinx people are over-represented in the service industry (for example, in fast food and grocery stores) making them twice as likely to contract COVID-19!

They are infected at twice the rate of white communities with COVID -19 and experience the highest death rates. Not to mention that these workers have no health insurance or are under-insured!

Democrats criticize the obvious tactics used to separate white workers from workers of color to distract from the closing of factories in small towns across the nation. But they observe quietly as Trumps stokes animosity and alienation between workers of all “races.”

Democrats decry the overt acts of the police’s murder of black people and criticize the prisons where parents are separated from their children or die before being deported. Their words are empty. The democrats and republicans serve the capitalist system to preserve it because they profit from it.

Workers held a multi-racial protest in Brunswick, Georgia against the murder of Ahmaud Arbery by two racists in early May 2020. In Indianapolis, multi-racial protestors stood against racists police terror after police killed three people within hours including 21-year-old, Dreasjon Reed. Multi-racial demonstrators and many others can see that we are one working class tied to the same capitalist wage system that oppresses us all. We, the Working Class can put an end to the whole system!

Democrats condemn these vicious acts publicly in the face of Trump’s overt racism but in private, our suffering increases the profit of ALL politicians whose financial interests align with the racist practices of Trump.

A Communist Revolution is the only solution that offers us a future! Communism is the only solution that ends police terror because it is our voices, our self-proclaimed right to live despite capitalism! Our right to healthcare, homes, and no more police terror so that our families can live full lives! We are worth fighting for.

—Reader in Long Beach, CA, USA

Comrades, Let’s Speed the Destruction of Deadly Capitalism

Last Sunday morning of radiant sunshine here in Los Angeles, May 3, all the women and men comrades who spoke at the ICWP International Virtual Rally filled me with inspiration and motivated me to write this letter.

The comrade from Puerto Rico, especially, reminded me of my wife. When she spoke eloquently, with a communist revolutionary passion and clarity, it was like listening to my wife give a speech at a demonstration or at the May Day march.

It gave me goosebumps. I remembered what my wife told me when, in 1977, the fascist Migra deported her for organizing the Anti-Racist Garment Workers’ Union. She was three months pregnant with our first child. In the garment factory where she worked, she organized her coworkers, who were deported with her, to get a coyote to come back together. The comrades helped us financially to pay for the coyote.

The first thing she said was, “I know the risk I was taking being an undocumented worker: being deported. But one day the garment workers worldwide will become communists and we will end this capitalist system with its borders and nations.”

Two months later, I was arrested with other comrades for taking over the tennis court in Newport Beach where the South African team was going to play against the US team. We took it over with a banner that said, “Death to Apartheid.”

After I got out of jail, my wife said, “Someday there are going to be communists in South Africa. Those seeds that we plant today will one day bear fruit and we will build a communist world.”

Comrades, we have to accelerate the destruction of the capitalist system because, according to experts and scientists, the second and third waves of the virus are going to be worse. More workers will die, if not from the coronavirus then from mass hunger.

Capitalism is the worldwide pandemic and while it is alive and kicking there will be more pandemics. This is why we have to build a communist world led by the ICWP. How are we going to achieve it? Recruiting, creating cells and study groups. Distributing Red Flag. Building an immense political base for communist ideas.

Long Live ICWP! Long Live true Communism!

—Old Communist in Los Angeles, USA

The Communist Internationale

Virtual May Day Rally: Inspiring!

I was very privileged to participate in the ICWP May Day Conference. Even though we were not able to meet in person this year, it was tremendous to connect with comrades from throughout the world. I particularly enjoyed hearing from the comrades in South Africa.

—A Red Flag Reader

Greetings from Southern California to all the ICWP Comrades. Even though it was different from other years, the May Day celebration was very inspiring! Long live the Working Class!

—A Comrade

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