Racist Cops Murder George Floyd: Wake-up Call for Communist Revolution

Our brother George Floyd ā€“ an African American worker ā€“ was publicly executed on May 25 by four Minneapolis (USA) fascist cops. The simmering anger of the masses boiled over into multi-racial rebellions that continue across the USA and beyond.

A Minneapolis police station burned to the ground. Some bus drivers in New York and Minneapolis refused to take arrested protesters to jail. In Hollywood, many called on National Guard personnel to join the march.

Comrades in Los Angeles talked to Guard members about the need for communist revolution.

The time is past to call for ā€œJustice.ā€ George was killed by the same racist system that has allowed over 100,000 to die of Covid-19 in the US alone ā€“ especially black and immigrant workers. By the same system that is starving millions from Mumbai to San Salvador to Port Elizabeth with fascist lockdowns. By capitalism.

Voting wonā€™t stop it. Reforms wonā€™t stop it. Even rebellions wonā€™t stop it. Only communist revolution can destroy this deadly racist system.

Thatā€™s why every one of us needs to join the International Communist Workersā€™ Party right away. We need to build and mobilize collectives of the only organization that can lead our class to its liberation and end racism forever.

Rulersā€™ Fascism Shows Weakness

Cops have escalated their vicious attacks on anti-racist protesters. Trump tweets that this shows strength. The opposite is true!

Capitalist-imperialist rulers everywhere are terrified. And they should be! They fear that oppressed workers will rise in revolution together to overthrow them and their murderous system. And we will.

The capitalist mouthpiece Bloomberg wrote on April 10: ā€œAs the coronavirus sweeps the world, it hits the poor much harder than the better off. One consequence will be social unrest, even revolutions.ā€

The rulers strive to crush this revolutionary potential by terrorizing us, their wage slaves. Their white-supremacist attack dogs promote looting and arson in an attempt to start a ā€œrace war.ā€ Church officials counter with calls for ā€œpeacefulā€ protest.

The masses know better

Since capitalism began its bloody rule, its handful of ruthless exploiters has relied on racism, religion, xenophobia and more to divide an increasingly mighty working class. It began with genocide of indigenous people and the enslavement of Africans and others. It continues with police whose job is to ā€œserve and protectā€ private property and capitalist rule.

It will end when we smash their system of wage- slavery and create a communist society without borders: From each according to commitment, to each according to need!

Worldwide, hundreds of millions canā€™t live like before. Some are seizing the food they need and sharing what little they have. Some are striking or defying fascist lock-down orders or fighting the police. Many more seek a radical solution. That solution is communism

Communism: Collective Production to Meet the Massesā€™ Needs

Misleaders ā€“ some honest and some agents of capitalism ā€“ have trained our class in reformism and nationalism. Thatā€™s what buried all previous communist movements. We need to mobilize directly for communism.

Communism organizes masses into collectives to make and carry out all decisions about production, distribution, and social organization. No money or wages or profits or competition! Instead, comradely social relations and the needs of the masses.

Ending borders and the profit system will eliminate the material basis of war.

Ending the wage system will end the material basis of racism. Communists will lead masses in a fierce and class-conscious fight against racist practices, habits and ideas until they are eliminated.

Communism will not need police to function as an occupying army in our communities. Workers will organize ourselves to deal with any problems that arise and to defend our new society.

We canā€™t win communism through elections. We need to start preparing for communist revolution.

Imperialists are planning for world war. We need to win soldiers and sailors ā€“ mostly members of our working-class family ā€“ to turn the guns around.

The Communist Fight against Racism Today

It starts with building more and larger collectives of the International Communist Workersā€™ Party. Discussing the anti-racist rebellions, the pandemic, the hunger, the fascist repression. And especially discussing the communist solution.

Finding and creating opportunities to bring communist ideas to the fore in the class struggle. Building international working-class communist solidarity ā€“ for example, with the auto-parts workers on strike in South Africa and with the anti-racist and anti-fascist rebellions in the US, Chile and beyond.

Writing and circulating communist leaflets and Red Flag newspaper, especially to friends and co-workers. Getting the leaflets and papers into factories, schools, and military barracks. Holding study groups. Recruiting more members. Developing more communist leaders. Where possible, raising the money we need to fight for a world without money.

Communism unleashes the creativity and the potential of the masses. We need you, your ideas, your energy, the leadership you can bring into our party.

One international working class, one International Communist Workersā€™ Party!

We have nothing to lose but our chains! We have a world to win!

www.ICWPRedFlag.org https://www.facebook.com/icwpredflag/

Ā This article in leaflet form

Front page of this issue

June 3, 2020