Melting Planet Demands: Heat Up Communist Struggle

Pittsburgh, USA: March 21, 2021

Global warming continues to wreak havoc around the globe. We see it in fires in California and Europe, floods in Europe, China and India, the continued mutations of Covid-19, the devastation of bee populations and more.

On August 14, 2021, for the first time in history instruments recorded rain at the summit of Greenland’s ice-sheet. This rainfall has worsened the melting of this ice-sheet at the summit and along its southeastern coast. It had already melted extensively in late July.

The capitalist media doesn’t report that there is direct causality between capitalism’s profit-making and the widespread destruction of the planet and life on it.

At the July G20 climate summit, capitalist governments and elites paraded and paid lip-service to reducing emissions. They didn’t actually agree even on the wording of the final communique, let alone on action.

There was the usual frenzy of reporting and fundraising after the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its summary of the physical science of climate change. NGOs seized on this report to get eyeballs on their Twitter accounts to raise funds to accomplish exactly nothing.

Reporting emphasized that, under any scenario and model, the world will exceed 1.5° C above pre-capitalist levels by 2050. It will substantially overshoot 2° C by 2080 without very stringent emissions reductions. What went unreported is that reduction in emissions is materially impossible under a capitalist system.

This was made obvious by the continued increase in CO2 concentration even as economic activity declined due to Covid-19. In April 2021, the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii had a daily reading of 421 parts per million of CO2, the highest in recorded history.

The laws of physics cannot be overcome by the delusional ravings and promises of capitalist elites and their lackeys in governmental and global organizations. These exploiters are bent on squeezing the last penny of profits out of workers’ bodies before escaping to their shelters in New Zealand and eventually, they believe, to outer space.

Only communism can prepare the masses for the inevitable consequences of global warming. Mitigation of flooding, fires, epidemics, hurricanes is only possible in a world in which the workers produce only what is needed, when it is needed and for whoever needs it.

This is only possible if the masses can control the means of production and direct resources to the need of the hour. Communist workers worldwide will temper the risks while organizing and building a new and better world.

And none of this is possible without a global party, ICWP, first organizing the masses for communism. This is the need of the hour – now! Join us to organize the masses for communism!

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