India: Farmers Massively Fight Capitalist- Fascist Terror

Need Revolution for Communist Workers’ Power!

(Hindi, हिंदी.)

September 7 —Over half a million farmers, farmworkers and their supporters are taking to the streets in Uttar Pradesh (UP), the largest state in India.  They are demanding the repeal of agricultural laws that will take away their land and livelihoods.

They have organized over 500 Langars (community kitchens) as thousands of buses, trucks, and trollies are descending on Muzaffarnagar, UP.

Police fired water cannons, tear gas, and rubber bullets at the marchers. Marchers fought back, overthrowing barricades and blocking freeways.

Towns and cities in the neighboring state of Haryana are calling the masses to Mahapanchayat (village gatherings) that are attracting thousands. The District Magistrate had asked police to ‘break heads’ of protesters, resulting in deadly violence. Masses are calling for the death sentence for him.

The fascist rulers have cut off the Internet and deployed more troops and paramilitary forces. Comrades and friends of the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) are there, mobilizing for communism among the masses.  We will hear more from them as communication is re-established.

Muzaffarnagar:  From Race War to Class War

An unprecedented half a million people, Hindu and Muslim workers, have gathered in Muzaffarnagar to support the farmers.

Back in 2013, the fascist BJP (which now rules India) had taken over this city and turned it into a racist war zone, dividing Hindu and Muslim workers. It was described as “the worst violence in Uttar Pradesh (UP) in recent history.”  Most of those killed were Muslim workers.

Several key leaders of the BJP were charged with murder. But – no surprise! – Modi and the current ruling BJP fascists dropped all charges.  Meanwhile, thousands of Muslim and Dalit youth have languished in jails for the last eight years, without charges, on “suspicion of creating riots.”

The fascist Modi government has tried to use the recent Taliban takeover of Afghanistan to inflame racist hatred again. Instead, 500,000 Hindu and Muslim workers united to support the farmers!

Build International Solidarity by Spreading Communism Everywhere

Only revolution for communist workers’ power can finally defeat fascist capitalism.

Only in communism will land produce food for the masses, not profits for the capitalists. Only communism can guarantee useful collective work for all, producing and sharing everything the masses need without bosses, money or profit.

Only communism can destroy racism, nationalism and communalism at their roots.  Only communism can end castes and classes and the oppression of women.

This is the struggle of ICWP comrades in India and everywhere!    Let’s spread the news of the India farmers’ struggle.  Let’s support it by massively increasing distribution of Red Flag and other ICWP literature, and by organizing meetings in our workplaces, schools, neighborhoods and barracks.

Let’s recruit many more new members to ICWP. This is the way to support the masses in struggle in India:  by building ICWP everywhere in struggle against fascist capitalism, for communist workers’ power.

End Racism, Wage Slavery and Fascism with Communist Revolution!

Workers, Farmers, Soldiers, Youth:  Fight for Communist Workers’ Power!

For a Communist World with No Nations or Borders:  Read, Write, Circulate Red Flag! * Twitter @RedFlagBandera * Instagram @icwprf

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