Letters: How Workers are Building ICWP

International Solidarity, Building ICWP in India here ♦ Why Fight for Communism here ♦ Join Us and Support Red Flag here ♦

International Solidarity:  Building ICWP in India

Last year in my community there was heavy flooding. Pretty soon we discovered that half of the city was submerged. These unprecedented rains caused the displacement of 1.2 million people. Most of us lost everything as the flood level reached 2 meters and more (over 6 feet).

The flooding caused a shortage of drinking water.  Soon it was followed by outbreaks of malaria, typhoid, and cholera. Dead bodies and rotting animal carcasses created life unbearable. The poor working people, Dalits and Muslims, were the real victims of this disaster.

I thanked the kind comrades of ICWP for helping us in this very dire condition. It was a tremendous gesture of international support. Today I want to renew my gratitude of the ICWP comrades as I heard in our news channel the devastation caused by flooding in NY City. Capitalism has claimed more lives of the poor people, just as it did in my home city last year. My heart goes out to them.

What I can do to alleviate their pain is to set my goal to destroy this profit hungry system. In India and many places around the world the system of profiteers shows no regard for impending climate change. Only the communism can and will put an end to this.

I am located halfway between Chennai and Bengaluru. I am in communication with the comrades there. In our next meeting with the comrades there, I am planning to bring some of my neighbors who are interested in fighting for communist revolution.

Thanks, in gratitude and international solidarity.

-Comrade in India

Why Fight for Communism?

Recently I had a conversation with a co-worker that was in the Navy.  He was very engaging in topics from the current situation in Afghanistan, U.S. politics, and even shared some U.S. history.  He wanted to know where I stood with my political views.

We agreed that many things that the media shared with us on Afghan topics were false and were only used to persuade the general public that everything is okay.

We also agreed that the U.S. and other dominant countries are in crisis because of a failing government.  He also feels from a militant standpoint that the U.S. is in a vulnerable position for other countries to gain complete control of global trade which may lead to war.

I shared with him that I have become very interested in trying to understand why we are in the mess we are in today, with greed and on the brink of war.  Which led me to study history, and current beliefs of others during these times.  For example, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and everything else in between the lines have been very interesting learning experiences.

The comment and question that was made by a coworker is: “We all know that Communism is a beautiful system on paper, but it is a failed system.  History shows that it has failed and why fight for something that has failed?”

My first instinct was to reply, no true Communism has ever existed. I told him, that is a tough question to answer and it’s all in interpretation. For instance, governments for hundreds of years have used the bible to justify their atrocities throughout history.  In my opinion religion is a beautiful thing and when practiced correctly many people benefit in a communal manner. I said again, it’s all in interpretation of the teachings that one chooses to follow.

After some thought, I do feel that fighting for true Communism is much more worth the struggle rather than an unfair system of Capitalism. To some, Capitalism is all they know and cannot imagine a society where people are equal, have everything they need to live, and live without being oppressed.

I do not blame the individual for not knowing about Communism because I too was once there. I respect their beliefs and just share my thoughts with those that are willing to converse.

I was thinking of the struggle I had at work with my coworker and shared it with other Comrades. They felt it is worth sharing in Red Flag.

Red Flag and international meetings have been a big part of the growth and development of our Collectives here at Los Angeles MTA. To constantly reevaluate our collective to find better ways to grow, and to constantly adjust to our collective needs.

The greatest weapon to contest the broken system of Capitalism is the power of knowledge of Communism.

-Comrade Transit Worker in Struggle

Join Us and Support Red Flag

 I am a worker from a maquila in El Salvador and one more who joins the Red Flag ICWP.  A comrade invited me.  I accepted the invitation.  I went and I liked the solidarity that exists among comrades.

How I would like the International Communist Workers Party to spread quickly!  And thus, be able to change that capitalist system that hurts us so much as workers, since there is no job without exploitation.  We are already tired of reporting so much exploitation to the Ministry of Labor, but they do nothing.

I have been organized in several unions and it is a joke.  The unions do nothing, because what the bosses do is buy off the leaders.  And that is where the exploitation continues, and gets worse.  Because they set us unattainable goals that we have to work more than ten hours to reach and to earn only 69 cents more than the minimum wage.

This is incredible, and only by growing as Red Flag can we change it.  Given that we are talking with several comrades, we can.  We only need to become aware of what we are living through.

So, I invite everyone to join us and support Red Flag because only united will we achieve a good way of life for our children.

-A New Comrade of ICWP

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