Letters: Immigration and Fascism in Latin America

Immigrants Key to World Without Borders here ♦ El Salvador: Mobilize for Revolutionary Future here ♦

Border crossing at Darien

Immigrants Key to the Fight for a World Without Borders

“The bosses let some of us into the United States because they need our labor power to work,” said a garment worker while receiving Red Flag.

We were talking about the recent brutal attack by the Mexican police and army on

migrants from a caravan that wanted to travel from Tapachula, Mexico to the United States. They are fleeing hunger, misery and an even more uncertain future that capitalism offers them.

I talked to him about the need for a communist world without borders. And the need for workers like him to join our International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) and organize other garment workers in the factories.

He said, “I am happy to have a job and I am afraid of losing it because of being in the struggle. But it fills me with anger that many treat us as stupid and ignorant ‘Indians.’ I would like a world where we all see each other with respect and as equals.”

We talked a bit about the civil war in Guatemala and how the capitalists massacred hundreds of thousands of indigenous people out of racism. There was not much time to discuss more, but we agreed to continue talking and continue the struggle about how to organize in the factory for communism.

After this conversation, I investigated more about the caravan that was attacked, which included hundreds of people, including children. They were from Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

It’s mainly Haitians, Cubans, Venezuelans and North Africans who have to cross from Colombia to Panama through an area known to migrants as the “Hell of Darien.” It is a dense jungle, full of mosquitoes, snakes, jaguars, rivers and swamps. They cross it in seven days of walking. Many die in the attempt.

Those who manage to reach the end of the Darien crossing reach a town called Bajo Chiquito that is inhabited by indigenous people. The indigenous people welcome them with open arms. They share what little they have to eat. There is also a healthcare post run by Doctors Without Borders. There they recover and then continue on their way.

“Everyone is welcome here,” a community leader said in a recent interview.

For many of these migrants, the road is long and painful. Capitalism and its borders have no mercy on our class. You can die in Darien, be imprisoned in Panama, or be beaten, imprisoned in Mexico and returned to your place of origin, to start over.

This is one more reason to build a new communist society. The international working class has the strength and power to destroy walls and borders and build the communist revolution.

The worker we spoke with, like thousands of other migrants, can join the caravan towards communism by joining the ICWP.

-Worker in Los Angeles, USA

El Salvador:  Organize and Mobilize for a Revolutionary Future

“I didn’t vote for any candidate. They are all corrupt. Bitcoin is only going to favor big businesspeople,” a friend told me.

“What are we going to do if Nayib Bukele makes and abolishes laws, silences opponents and when even many who voted for him now complain? There is very strong political persecution, and the United States government wants his head,” said another.

I answered, “The United States is going to be tolerant of Bukele, as long as he controls the workers through terror.”

On September 3, 2021, the Constitutional Chamber issued a ruling that would allow the current president to run for a new presidential term.

The Legislative Assembly modified the Law of the Judicial Career. According to estimates, it intends to use this to remove a third of the judges (those older than 60 years or who have completed 30 years of service) to replace them with judges of Bukele’s Party.

Let’s remember the “dynastic” governments of the Meléndez-Quiñones family from 1914 to 1928, when members of a wealthy family from the western part of El Salvador alternated taking the presidency of the republic. Or the successive military governments (dictatorships) that began with the 1932 massacre by General Maximiliano Hernández Martínez.

“History occurs twice: the first time as tragedy, the second as a farce,” as Karl Marx said. We are facing a dictatorial and fascist government.

Police and judicial persecution of anti-government activists, physical attacks and intimidation of the bourgeois press, and vicious social-media attacks on political opponents are part of the repressive apparatus of the state.

Officially, four people have been killed in direct attacks on opponents of Bukele’s New Ideas government. Three were activists from the fmln and one a young engineer, killed at the hands of a group of soldiers in the capital.

“Is this the way we want the politics and destinies of our lives to go or is there a revolutionary alternative?” asked a friend.

Groups of workers organized in the International Communist Workers’ Party will take on the challenge of organizing the working class. In each cell, each new reader of Red Flag should raise their questions, doubts, concerns and ideas regarding the political, social and economic situation. At the same time, we should give answers from the historical and dialectical point of view about the current international situation.

The future of our class is being written. The way forward is marked with each political action in the factories, schools, in our homes. Bringing a real option for change to the masses is vital for the development of the revolutionary movement.

This can be summarized in the mutual exchange of practice and ideas, for a greater distribution of Red Flag and for building multiple spaces for discussion and for developing the revolutionary line. The current situation calls us to reflect and work together as members. of the International Communist Workers’ Party, so that we will face this new historical period in the best and strongest possible way.

Young Comrade in El Salvador

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