Letters: Questions and Criticisms of Red Flag

Building Connections to Communism here ♦ Criticism of Banner Slogan here ♦

Building Connections to Communism Through Relationships and Social Media

Growing up, I can vividly remember conversing with my family on topics ranging from sports to politics to religion, etc. These “debates” were always healthy conversations.  I often found myself leaving the conversation more educated than when it had started.

I feel fortunate because although I was young, I was in a family atmosphere that made me feel comfortable enough to open up and give my opinions. This atmosphere also allowed me to comprehend things better than I normally would. Because I connected on a deep level with my family, they understood me, and I understood them. I am a big believer in the theory that we comprehend things we connect with much better than things we may not connect with.

Interestingly enough, one of my family members is part of the communist party (ICWP). I can remember on May Day going and marching, handing out newspapers, and speaking as a family on the values of communism and specifically what a world under communism would look like.

As I stated before, I was a lucky one.  It was quite easy for me to comprehend these values and ideas of communism, because my family presented it in a way that `I could understand and, in a way, I enjoyed learning.

Unfortunately, today, I have doubts whether the younger generations are able to get the message of the ICWP. I think a big factor in this is the platforms that these messages are being shared on.

As a kid born in 1993, I represent the last generation of humans that know what it is like to grow up without social media. I feel I play a role as a middleman between the older generations and the newer generations.

From what I have seen the main sources of spreading messages for the party are through newspapers and Facebook. Personally, I believe these platforms are completely irrelevant to the younger generations that the party may be trying to target. Today, these generations are using the likes of Twitter, Instagram and TikTok much more than Facebook or the newspaper. This brings me to the question; how can the party use these “younger generation platforms” to spread their message faster and more effectively?

-Millennial Friend

Red Flag responds:  Using social media effectively requires having or building social networks.  We would welcome your help as a “middleman” in building social networks for ICWP and making better use of our Twitter and Instagram accounts.  But your remarks on comprehending things better when we connect with people (like family) are really key.  We all need to work harder and more effectively to build these connections and use them to help our friends and family understand communism.

Criticism of Slogan on ICWP El Salvador May Day Banner

Just a comment or a criticism about the picture on the front page of Red Flag’s last edition, which reads: “Construyendo La Revolución Proletaria Mundial (Building the Proletarian Revolution Worldwide).”

This was the main banner in the ICWP May Day march in El Salvador in 2021.

Red Flag has used the picture of this banner several times.

We think that it doesn’t really express what our goal is. ICWP is building together with the proletarian masses a COMMUNIST revolution, not a PROLETARIAN revolution.

The proletariat is the agent of the revolution, but the goal is not a proletarian society or state. That was the slogan of the old communist movement. They fought for a proletarian revolution to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat.

In the communist revolution that ICWP is mobilizing the masses for, the proletariat ceases to be the proletariat after taking state power – no longer wage slaves.

We fight for communist workers’ power that will usher in and build a classless world, without wage slavery, borders or nations, racism, sexism, and all other anti-working-class ideologies created by class society.

Our new communist slogan should be: “The communist working masses will be the human race.”

-Some Comrades

Front page of this issue