South Africa Rebellions: Masses Must Reject All Capitalist Politicians and Organize for Communism

SOUTH AFRICA, September 12—The ruling class here is at war with itself. The capitalists are at war with the citizens. The working class, including nurses, factory workers, soldiers and more, need to unite and join hands to fight our class enemies. We need to fight for a system that meets our needs: a communist system.

Following the unrest and riots by the majority of the masses in two important provinces of Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN), the capitalist class that leads the African National Congress (ANC) government has grown even more paranoid. They have deployed soldiers in most parts of these two provinces. The soldiers are even conducting random security checks inside the malls.

The issues that caused the unrest include unemployment, hunger, poverty, and the lack of healthcare or any plan to deal with vaccinations and safety in the face of the coronavirus.

In trying to deflect from these issues, the president and his cronies have accused their political foes within the governing party of being responsible for the unrest. They have even blamed what they term “ethnic mobilisation” for the unrest. The president went so far as to call the unrest an insurrection without leaders nor face.

The soldiers shout patriotism, which only serves the interests of the capitalist class. A private business, SPAR group,  is the one who made sure of the soldiers’ deployment in KZN. This is no surprise. After all, they have close ties to capitalists such as Pravin Gorhan and Ramaphosa. They donated handsomely to Ramaphosa’s presidential campaign.

Since Ramaphosa’s election, the ANC capitalist government has intensified the war against workers. During the pandemic they have frozen the workers’ salaries, particularly workers from the public sector.

The working class has no other option but to intensify our war against capitalism. Working-class liberation will only come when workers organize ourselves to overthrow the capitalist system.

Only when the working class joins and builds the mass communist party, International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP), can we usher in the new era, the communist era. The intensification of the war against capitalism lies in mobilizing workers, students, soldiers and the general masses to communism.

Hence the party here in SA and around the globe is utilizing the Red Flag newspaper and spreading communist ideas.  We are organising and forming cells that will lead the party to be a mass party. This has included the student comrades forming a cell in Cape Town and using social networks to make friends, especially within the “leftist spaces.”

Many are open to our ideas. There is an ongoing struggle for such friends to join the ICWP instead of the reform movements that only prolong the working-class exploitation. Fighting directly for a communist society, with no money or exploitation or private property will lead to true liberation. That is the way to end capitalist exploitation.

The masses must refuse to get involved in the faction fight within the ANC. There is no lesser evil capitalist politician. They are all evils who profit from exploitation of the masses, regardless of their own internal contradictions.

The youth collective, guided by our philosophy of dialectical materialism and political line; Mobilize the Masses for Communism is committed to play a leading role in the war against capitalism. With dedication and discipline, this is the war we will and must win. Aluta continua.

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