India: Farmers’ Struggle Against Fascism Escalates

Comrades Fight for Communism here ♦ No More Fascist Murders here ♦

Comrades Fight for Communism as the Only Solution

DELHI (India), October 3—The world’s second-largest city came to a grinding halt:  shuttered Metros, snarled highways, trains not running. Thousands of farmers, farmworkers, and supporters are massing in Punjab and Haryana to protest farm laws that will hand over large swathes of land to corporations.

In the pouring rain, twenty comrades of the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) are showing the masses that communism is the only solution to this corporate sell-out.

The fascist ruling party BJP openly allies with India’s largest multinationals. The Congress Party and various farmers’ unions say they want a better deal for the farmers. But their proposals would make farmers perpetually dependent on private banks to pay for fertilizer, pesticides, seeds, and distribution of their products. This illusion has already resulted in the death of over 300,000 farmers.

We need communism where the masses will run every aspect of society without money. That means no banks, no mortgages, no wage slavery. At our rally in Punjab, every comrade passed out stacks of leaflets with this message.

We went to farmworkers and small farm owners who are in imminent danger of losing their land. Our message contrasted sharply with various farmers’ unions. We were surrounded by these pro-capitalist organizations. We were bold and at the same time careful. Our main task was to pass out our literature and get to know new people.

Our new comrades led the way by raising communist slogans that were instantly echoed by the masses. It is hard to translate our slogans, but they sent a clear message that Modi and Gandhi (the Congress Party leader) fight each other in the day but make deals at night. Communism will finish off all these enemies. Many such slogans expressed our communist vision.

At one point, the farmers’ union leaders came very close and tried to intimidate us. We sensed that several were armed with sticks. We instantly recognized that the situation could get out of control. Our new comrades continued raising slogans. The masses followed it up, roaring their reply. The union bosses made a hasty retreat, but they warned us that we were too small.

Despite the constant downpouring of monsoon rains, our day had a very positive outcome. Each comrade brought some new worker. Some brought their neighbors. We estimate that at least one hundred people attended the meeting. We are building very close bonds with these workers as everybody cooked for us and we were able to spend the night there.

“The International Communist Workers’ Party calls on the international working class to join us in mobilizing the masses for communism,” declares the ICWP manifesto. The comrades in India are putting this into practice. They are organizing workers to bring communist ideas to the broader masses in the farmers’ struggle.

We discussed the Red Flag article about communist society without money. The comrades from the garment factory in Bengaluru contributed that article. We met with four garment worker comrades. Next week we will meet with our friends in Chennai to talk about work in the auto factories. We will write soon about how communist society will produce food without money. Our struggle is intensifying and gathering new communists.

Red Flag commentsThank you, comrades, for this inspiring report of your powerful work! We will use this article to advance the work of the Party everywhere.  .

India:  No More Fascist Murders! Mobilize for Communism!

UTTAR PRADESH (India). October 4—Four farmers were deliberately killed, and dozens more injured, by an SUV driven by the son of a state minister. Uttar Pradesh is run by the fascist BJP who have terrorized the masses and were considered invincible.

Thousands of protesters surrounded the helipad where the minister was to land.  When the minister realized that landing his helicopter would be too risky, he aborted the mission and alerted his son who was there to receive him to turn back.

At that point, the SUV mowed down farmers who were going back. The farmers, in shock from seeing the ghastly killing, immediately attacked the minister’s convoy. The masses dragged four BJP supporters out of the SUV and instantly killed them.

This has sent shockwaves all over India. Unprecedented demonstrations are rocking every corner of the country.  French jets were reportedly scrambled in Punjab, heart of the farmer unrest. Punjab borders Pakistan and provides 30% of the Indian army.

Never underestimate the masses!  ICWP comrades in India are concentrating forces in and around Delhi, including Punjab.  They are on their way to showing that only a communist revolution will eliminate fascists and destroy their power

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