Letters: Climate Crisis, Communist Education and Revolution

Need Working Class Unity for Revolution to Save Life on Planet Earth here ♩ Ready for Revolution here ♩ Communism Can Solve Climate Crisis here ♩

Need Working-Class Unity to Make the Revolution that Will Save the Life on Planet Earth

“My daughter is so confused,” said comrade Ethel in our zoom club meeting. “Last week the school had ‘Culture Days,’ where students were all supposed to celebrate the country that their family or ancestors came from. My daughter was assigned to carry the flag of South Africa.  I don’t know what part of Africa our ancestors were stolen from, but it probably wasn’t South Africa. Even if I had the money for some genetics test to see where they came from, what good would it do?”

“No good at all,” responded Birhan. “I grew up in Africa. It’s a class society. I learned to salute the rulers’ flag. But that’s not our flag. The only flag for us is the red flag.”

“Exactly,” responded Ethel. “All this about ‘our culture’ is just to divide us and make us feel separated.”

“All that fairy dust,” added Cindy, a retired teacher, “is to cover up the fact that capitalism is a horrible system that chews you up and spits you out to make a profit. When I taught 2nd and 3rd grade, I always concentrated on the working-class leaders who organized workers to fight back.”

“That’s what’s missing in the article about climate change from the last Red Flag,” continued Ethel. “The united fight of the working class.  It has a good analysis of how capitalism is ruining the planet. And some inspiring ideas about how we can grow food in a communist society.  But it literally jumps from capitalism to communism. It’s going to take war—armed struggle—an actual revolution. The capitalists will never give up without a fight to the death.”

“And when we talk about ‘decolonizing,’” added Will, “we must make it clearer that capitalism exploits all workers. Historically first the workers in the home country and then those in the colonies as well. Colonialism is a vicious outgrowth of capitalism. Getting rid of colonialism still leaves its capitalist roots in place. To get rid of exploitation once and for all we have to uproot capitalism. Like Ethel said—with communist revolution.”

“And that’s why working-class unity in class struggle is so important,” concluded Leroy, a worker and scholar in his 20s. “When I was in high school, all I could see was the anti-colonial struggle of people like Malcolm X and Che Guevara.  ICWP has taught me that we have to overthrow the whole capitalist system.  That’s going to take a united working class, led by the party, taking on and defeating the capitalists in a communist revolution. Articles we write for Red Flag can’t leave that part out.”

-US West Coast Schools Comrades

Ready for the Revolution

I am a new ICWP Red Flag reader who recently discovered “Communist Education for Classless Society” (March 2014). I have worked in California (USA) education for 17 years at both private and public institutes. Lately I have considered leaving education entirely. This pamphlet has given me hope by allowing me to see what is possible.

Capitalism in US education upholds a hierarchy of “experts”. This environment is difficult to contribute to and automatically excludes and devalues workers who have more to share. “Instead of relying on full-time expert teachers, everyone will share their experience and knowledge.” This is what I crave the most, sharing and learning from our experiences.

“Communism is the only answer to the horrors inflicted by capitalism on the masses of people and on the planet.” I’m tired of being a part of a system that sells both predatory loans and degrees by promising higher earning potential. There is zero potential for anyone other than the ruling class under capitalism. It’s been a frustrating and exhausting system to work in.

So now I keep reading ICWP Red Flag, and I try to bring this new knowledge into all aspects of my life. I’m looking for ways to liberate myself from both the propaganda and conformity of capitalism.

From the “Future for Workers and Youth: Communism, Not Schooling” in this same pamphlet, “Working class parents, teachers, students and soldiers should shed their illusions about education and careers.” I’m already there, now I’m ready for the revolution.

Friend in California (USA)

Read our pamphlet: “Communist Education for Classless Society” available here.

Communism Can Solve Climate Crisis – Capitalism Can’t

“It turns out I am going to lead the Environment Committee,” a new Red Flag reader “Ana” told a comrade “Ellen.”

“Did you read the recent Red Flag article?” Ellen asked.

“Yes, I really liked it.  It said what I am feeling,” Ana replied.  “The Environment Committee doesn’t seem to want to talk about the politics of climate change,” she continued.  “One person keeps bringing up that the school should ban plastic water bottles and straws.”

“That’s your job, I guess,” said Ellen. “To bring up how capitalism caused the climate crisis and we can’t solve it without changing the system.

“I’ve been thinking about why communist revolution could actually create short-term fixes and long-term solutions,” she added.  “Capitalism can only do what’s profitable.  Even when technological measures are available, they say ‘too expensive.’  New levees protected New Orleans from Hurricane Ida, but it would ‘cost too much’ to protect other Louisiana towns.  Desalination could help relieve the water crisis, but it’s ‘too expensive.’  Hydrogen fusion could provide cheap clean energy but the research hasn’t been funded because nobody saw profits in it.”

Ana was nodding, so Ellen went on: “All these things take labor – workers’ labor.  Capitalism sees labor as a cost, the cost of wages.  But communism sees our labor as a resource, not a cost.  Most of our labor power today is wasted through unemployment or working at useless jobs.  End the wage system and we can decide how to deploy our labor for things that really matter.  Like dealing with the climate crisis.”

“I don’t know if the committee would want to talk about that,” said Ana doubtfully.

“At least a few people probably would,” Ellen guessed.  “At least one sometimes reads Red Flag.  Build stronger ties with those who are most open and see how far you can go with them.”

Conversations like these, and with other co-workers, could help more friends decide to join the Party.

-Red teacher

Front page of this issue