France: International Communism Will Defeat International Fascism

“For a world without borders!”

November 15—France’s fascists have a new poster boy: Eric Zemmour (“zuh-MOOR”), TV personality and columnist for the right-wing rag Le Figaro (“fee-gah-ROH”).

Zemmour will probably overtake fascism’s current poster girl, Marine LePen, in the Spring 2022 presidential election. In 2015 she came in second to Emmanuel Macron, France’s current president (and former Rothschild banker).

LePen had moderated her anti-immigrant fascism to make herself more acceptable. This bought her votes but disillusioned her xenophobic base. Enter Zemmour. He preaches the “Great Replacement” lie that “powerful forces” supposedly want to replace White French people with immigrants.

We communists believe in a different great replacement:  Replacing the bosses with the united working class everywhere. This means repressing fascists like Zemmour and LePen and their movement. It means convincing immigrants and non-immigrants alike that their best interest (communism) can only be achieved through multi-ethnic international solidarity.

This is why the fascist movement is so dangerous.  It’s a roadblock to communism.

Zemmour calls for a complete halt to the “tsunami” of immigration. He wants to deny all government aid to immigrants – including unemployment insurance, welfare, housing subsidies, and healthcare.

Yes, healthcare – during a pandemic!

He proposes constitutional changes to ban “non-French” names like “Omar”, “Farah” and “Mohammed”. This is on a par with former president Sarkozy’s proposed constitutional ban on burkinis (full-length women’s bathing suits).

Zemmour is partly Jewish and thoroughly antisemitic. He complains that a US-backed “Jewish lobby” has made the Shoah (Holocaust) part of “France’s national religion”. He’s unhappy that some Jewish kids, victims of a racist school shooting in Toulouse, will be buried in Israel.

Zemmour claims to be anti-American, but his people have borrowed tactics from Trump’s movement. Recently Le Figaro published a vicious hit piece attacking French teachers for supposedly “indoctrinating” French children with “woke” ideology. This refers to the government requirement that pupils be taught anti-racism. According to Figaro, teaching anti-racism is somehow “racist”.

Figaro even cloned a cover of the US National Review that showed a frustrated kid in front of a blackboard covered with ‘anti-racist’ slogans.

Communism will act quickly to suppress the curse of anti-Semitism. Zemmour and his poisonous ideas will go straight to the garbage bin. Millions of French workers already recognize how toxic they are. Antifascists hound him everywhere he appears. But anti-fascism on its own can’t put Zemmour out of business. For that we need a millions-strong ICWP. Join us!

-Comrades in Canada

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