Nicaragua Election: Workers Need Real Communism

Nicaragua: Workers need Communism here ā™¦ Russian Revolution here ā™¦

November 16ā€” ā€œWe fought in Nicaragua, wanting to implement the model of proletarian internationalism. We did it later in El Salvador. We have to keep fighting,ā€ said a former Colonel of the Sandinista army who is a friend of the International Communist Workersā€™ Party.

ā€œNothing is at stake. All the opponents are imprisoned or out of the country. This is a dictatorship like that of Nayib Bukele in El Salvador. Daniel controls almost everything,ā€ said a well-known liberal, who once fought alongside the Sandinista National Liberation Front. Daniel Ortega won the election in November 2021 with 75.92% of the votes.

Ortegaā€™s government in Nicaragua has a relationship with Russia that dates back to the 1980ā€™s. At that time, the US imperialists supported the contras in Nicaragua and paramilitaries in El Salvador and Guatemala, with $2 million/day.

The ā€œliberationā€ groups did not consider the ideological struggle to implant communism to be important. They set aside class struggle to simply support their nationalist efforts. As a result of this political outlook, many guerrilla commanders are now administrators of the capitalist system. The goal of the Russian imperialists was to create a ruling class that would respond to their interests.

Some comrades in the International Communist Workersā€™ Party passed through the ranks of those guerrilla groups and are critical of these opportunist governments that only try to deceive our working class. Thatā€™s why the struggle to implant communism worldwide constitutes the greatest battle for revolutionaries. In these inter-imperialist proxy wars, many fighters learned lessons that allow them to think about a new communist world.

Bossesā€™ Elections and Communist Leadership

Bossesā€™ elections are nothing more than the way capitalists guarantee their system. The empires are not interested in who wins but in who best administers the profits generated by the workers. ICWPā€™s war is against the capitalist system and its leaders.

In communism there will be no elections of this type. The leadership will be given to those who demonstrate the greatest commitment to the fulfillment of the human being. In the factories today, the workersā€™ collectives give leadership to the comrades who demonstrate their willingness to fight for a new world.

Nicaragua, like Honduras and El Salvador, has maquila factories with poverty wages for the working class. Many maquila factories have been moved to Nicaragua to pay the lowest wages in Central America ($199 a month).

In the communist system, centers of exploitation will not exist. Our workers will only produce what workers need, not to generate profits for the bosses.

Fight for a World Without Borders

Many Nicaraguans emigrate to Costa Rica and El Salvador, where they are often accused of causing everything bad that happens. They are discriminated against in a racist way and forced to work in agricultural areas where they are paid less.

US President Biden recently extended the ā€œRENACERā€ Act that imposes sanctions on Nicaragua and limits its access to economic credits country through the IMF and the International Development Bank. It monitors foreign relations, mainly military, between Russia and Nicaragua.Ā  It revises the Free Trade Agreement through which 60% of Nicaraguan exports enter the United States at preferential rates.Ā  This law will push even more Nicaraguans, like other Central Americans, to seek to emigrate to the US or to Costa Rica.

This inter-imperialist rivalry is nothing more than a fight between fascist and reformist bosses who are all looking for the best way to exploit our working class. Workers must fight in Nicaragua and around the world to achieve the communist system, in which there will be no borders, wars or money.

November 1917Ā Ā 

The Bolsheviks led armed workers, soldiers and sailors in overthrowing Russiaā€™s capitalist government.Ā  For the first time, workers under communist leadership held state power. Fourteen capitalist nations invaded Red Russia, trying to ā€œstrangle the baby in the cradle.ā€ The Bolsheviks won soldiers from the invading armies to revolt, forcing the imperialists to withdraw. The ICWP celebrates this revolutionary spirit by fighting directly for communism.

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