Workers Plan International Communist Conference

EL SALVADOR, November 16— “We have invited a worker from another factory for the upcoming conference.  With M, we have recently contacted her,” said a worker leader.

“L (a woman) and G (a man) are from another factory. They will also participate. We want to focus on these workers to spread communist ideas to these centers of capitalist exploitation,” said another worker comrade.

An ICWP International Conference will take place at the end of the year. It will discuss the advance and growth of the Party in different areas of the world:  building new collectives and developing the new generation of communist leaders.  Last weekend there were two meetings to plan this conference.

The first meeting was with women comrades who are carrying out strong work to develop ICWP, working on Red Flag and recruiting new readers. One said, “It’s necessary to organize more workers like us who don’t work in factories but who believe in a new system like communism and who are willing to support the factory workers in their struggle against the rotten and exploitative capitalist system.”

The other meeting was held with women and men comrades from the factory. Both meetings discussed the agenda to develop, who would attend the conference and other details, like transportation.

One topic on the agenda would be the worldwide strike wave.  It shows the power of the working class, and the opportunity to organize more workers into the ranks of ICWP, to fight directly for communism.

How to establish connections with the workers in these strikes? What should our strategy be?  We should reject reformist strikes led by the unions.  Party comrades have the task of organizing communist political strikes. At the same time, when we don’t have members of ICWP participating in these reform movements, how can we participate with other comrades to take communist ideas to the workers through Red Flag?

Comrades reported that A, a maquila worker, contacted the party cell. A previous Red Flag article mentioned her. A mass distribution of Red Flag newspaper was carried out at the factory where she works. We attempted to meet with her, but the meeting was postponed because the factory work schedule was extended that day to generate more production for the bosses.  It will take place this week. We expect to invite her to the ICWP international conference.

Some workers asked the leading worker comrades if they could bring their children to the conference. They can, since in communist practice this should not be an obstacle to participating in party activities.  A friend of the party will be there to carry out recreational activities with the children while their parents are in the meeting. We have done this in previous conferences. Also, these children are the future communists of ICWP.

“Will Party comrades come from other areas, like in other meetings?” Factory workers, farm workers and workers from other areas who have already participated have asked this, along with others who will attend for the first time.

The motivation of the comrades inside and outside the factories is very strong. Every effort is being made so that this international conference of the International Communist Workers’ Party is carried out in the best way, to achieve a greater commitment to our class to recruit more workers.

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