Communist Revolution Will Defeat Fascist Capitalism

Yangon (Myanmar)ā€”Thousands defy military police in fight to end the military dictatorship installed by the February 2021 coup

US January 6 Investigation: Only Communist Revolution Will Defeat Fascist Capitalism

USA, December 8ā€”Twentieth-century US imperialism orchestrated fascist coups in Guatemala, Iran, Chile, Congo, and more. Now its big shots pretend to be shocked that such a thing could have happened in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021.

We shouldnā€™t be surprised. And neither should we trust liberal politicians who say they are ā€œrestoring democracy.ā€Ā  Democracy has never been anything but a mask hiding the bloody fangs of the capitalist beast. Only communist revolution can defeat fascism.

Fascism and the Decline of US Imperialism

US imperialism is struggling to restore its once-unchallenged global supremacy. But the rot goes deep into its core. It canā€™t prevent the rise of Chinese imperialism or the regional ascendancy of Russian and other capitalists.

But empires donā€™t die peacefully. So strategic conflicts among the US rulers have sharpened, leading to the openly fascist Trump factionā€™s attempted coup to keep him in power.

Fascism, not democracy, is capitalismā€™s true political form. The US rulersā€™ fight over how to save their empire includes a struggle over the face of this fascism.

The Jan. 6 coup failed but the Trumpians still reap the fruits of decades of support from the Bradley and Heritage foundations (and hidden sources). They control most of the Republican Party. They continue to mobilize in political back rooms and in the streets.

They have rallied too many disaffected workers and others against Covid vaccines and precautions. Around restricting abortion, voting rights, and gun regulations. Around idolizing murderer Kyle Rittenhouse. Around attacking Black people, immigrants, and Jews. And, of course, around Trumpā€™s Big Lie that he ā€œwon in a landslide.ā€

Last winter it appeared that the rival, larger ruling-class faction ā€“ the Democratic Party and Wall Street ā€“ wouldnā€™t confront the coup plotters. Now over 500 January 6 rioters have been arrested. Most are ā€œsmall fry.ā€ But the judges sentencing them have threatened consequences for the real organizers.

The House of Representatives January 6th committee has interviewed hundreds, including some close to Trump. They plan public hearings and publication of their detailed report. The Justice Department locked up arch-racist Steve Bannon for refusing to appear. That is:Ā  this faction is wielding its state power against its political enemies.

But these capitalist rulers are more afraid of rebellious Black, immigrant, and other workers than they are of Trumpā€™s faction. They know that their profit system cannot meet the massesā€™ needs even for food, shelter, safety, and health. It certainly cannot meet our need to control our own lives and work.

These ā€œdefenders of democracyā€ need the same kind of violent racists who stormed the Capital to form the backbone of the police forces that repress and kill us.

Communist military work is critical

Fascist ideology infests US military ā€œbasic training,ā€ though many young soldiers resist and defy it. The Jan. 6 coup plotters and their enemies are fighting for the loyalty of the armed forces. We must fight even harder for the leadership of the working-class youth among the rank and file. They are key to the success of armed communist revolution.

Since the Rittenhouse verdict, liberals repeatedly cry that protesting racism is not ā€œsafeā€ from free-lance fascists. This is a veiled threat: donā€™t fight back! They tell the angry masses that we can rely on capitalist courts and elections instead of mobilizing to smash the racist system. And that reforms like inclusive curricula and Bidenā€™s multi-racial cabinet are blows against racism. That the conviction of Ahmaud Arberyā€™s lynchers should give us hope.

They openly debate how much economic inequality weā€™ll tolerate before rising in revolution, because thatā€™s what we need, and they know it.

Communism:Ā  Itā€™s Worth the Struggle!

Our friends know that revolution would mean many injuries and deaths. They wonder would it be worth it? What would a communist world look like? Those really are the big questions!

Masses worldwide, including the US, already suffer untold misery and preventable deaths, including over 100,000 annually directly from war. Climate casualties are mounting. Regional wars are close to exploding into world war. Things are worsening fast.

We must win masses to communism, or the capitalist rulers will win them to some form of fascism. Thatā€™s why our immediate tasks are to spread, read and discuss the communist ideas and work reported in Red Flag.

To build the party composed of communist collectives that will eventually create a world where the masses control the means of production and guarantee everyoneā€™s well-being. Where we produce and share what we need, without money or markets, without police or nations or borders.

Communism will end the capitalist competition for survival that undergirds war, racism, sexism, communalism, and all other divisions among us.

Comrades in India and South Africa are already showing how the Party can function even under brutal fascism. Like them, we must not despair. We must establish unbreakable communist social relations with family, friends, and coworkers, especially in industry and the military. We must guarantee the hand-to-hand distribution of Red Flag.

Yes, itā€™s worth it! Communism ā€“ not democracy ā€“ is our response to fascism and our only hope for the future.

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