Letters: Communist Solidarity with India Farmers’ Struggle

Need for Workers’ Rule here ♦ Pakistan Solidarity here ♦ South Africa Solidarity here ♦

Los Angeles, USA

India Farmers’ Protest Shows Need for Workers’ Rule

Indeed, the whole world is struggling and the farmers’ protests in India are an inspiration to workers’ struggles all over the world.

The three laws made by Modi are anti-farmer, anti-worker and anti-people in India. They are for the capitalist bosses who want to own agriculture for the World Trade Organization thugs

Farmers have been protesting for more than 71 days, joined by workers and peasants.

What is inevitable is for the state to unleash terror in the interest of capitalist bosses.

Farmers, workers and peasants will intensify the fight against the state.

There is no turning back. ICWP needs to bring forth the revolutionary working-class consciousness so that the revolutionary class consciousness, together with the masses, will become the conquering force needed to crush and uproot the capitalist class and their puppets Modi and his honchos.

The working class must rule in India, leading all other classes that stand to benefit from the workers’ government in India.

—a comrade

Comrades in Pakistan in Solidarity with India Farmers and International Communism

In Pakistan, there are hundreds of thousands of Twitter messages saying “My name is XYZ. I am from #Pakistan & I stand in complete solidarity with the #FarmersProtest”. We, the comrades from Pakistan, want to add to our demand by saying we are in complete solidarity with the communist revolution that inspires people around the world.

Pakistan and India were forcefully created by the British imperialists to keep the workers from the two sides of the border fighting each other based on religion.

The undivided Communist Party of India (CPI) was formed in 1923. In the short history of the party, it mobilized millions of workers and peasants. By 1936, CPI was waging armed rebellions in many parts of India. Lahore, now in Pakistan, was a hotbed of communist revolutionaries.

The British were so dismayed by the unity of Hindu and Muslim workers that they divided Punjab and Bengal along religious lines. Eventually, the division of those areas created unprecedented carnage. When the borders between the two countries were finalized, it brought millions of displaced refugees.

The biggest mistake of the old CPI was nationalism. It was that mistake that brought the downfall of the revolutionary communist movement. We in Pakistan want to advance the line of fighting for communism. Communism can only be won by internationalism. We must reject the borders. So, when we say we support our comrades in India, we must have the outlook of smashing the borders. The workers and farmers on both sides of the borders must fight against our common enemy, the capitalist rulers. Our struggle is their struggle, it is the struggle of the working class regardless of where they live.

We believe ICWP gives us that line to fight directly for communism. When the farmers, students and the working class fight for communism, we all win. We pledge to spread the communist struggle by circulating Red Flag in Sindhi and Urdu.

—Comrades in Pakistan

South Africa: Solidarity with Farmers’ Struggle

We stand in solidarity with our working-class Indian brothers and sisters (the farm workers) and the masses in general in their fight against the fascist Indian government.

Their struggle against the fascist laws is understandable, but as ICWP comrades in India pointed out, it is not enough to overcome the brutality of capitalism. We need a communist revolution against this oppressive, exploitative system.

As we learn from dialectical materialist philosophy, the capitalist system worldwide (including South Africa and India) needs a material force to change it. That material force is the unity of the international working-class organizing and mobilizing towards a communist revolution.

ICWP provides the platform through which the workers all around the world can indeed organize themselves towards the destruction of capitalism, which is responsible for many horrors including the farm workers’ suicides in India. We salute the hard work of our comrades in India and the leadership they are giving in recruiting more workers into the party.

The capitalist obstacles they face are not primary. They will never stop their (our) spirit and the work we do. The relationships they build with farmworkers and other comrades will overcome any obstacles in their way.

We in South Africa are inspired by their work. We will continue our work, the work of ICWP, taking great lessons from the work and struggle of our comrades in India.

All over the world, the masses are waking up and demanding change. As ICWP comrades we must continue to build the party and its collective to mobilize for our revolution, the communist revolution.


—Cape Town (South Africa) Collective

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