Letter: Imperialism (US, European, Chinese) and War

When Capitalists Speak of Peace, Communists Prepare for Class War

ā€œAmerica is back!ā€ US Pres. Biden told European leaders in a recent meeting.Ā Ā  The USA is not America, Mr. Biden. And masses around the world wouldnā€™t welcome a resurgence of US imperialism. If that is even possible.

Trumpā€™s supporters say they ā€œwant their country back.ā€ Liberals and moderates may think they ā€œhave their country back.ā€ But communists know that working people have no country. Starting with one international party now, we work for communist revolution to end nations, borders and all divisions among the masses.

We donā€™t know when and where that revolution will become possible. Already, right now, almost everywhere, masses cannot continue to live in the old way. In many places, the rulers cannot continue to rule in the old way. In India, Myanmar, Thailand and elsewhere, the masses are in motion, fighting for change.

The growth of our International Communist Workersā€™Ā Ā  Party is the key to transforming these conditions into a revolutionary situation.

Wars among ā€œgreat powersā€ formed the backdrop to workersā€™ revolutions, from the Paris Commune of 1871, through the 20th-century Russian and Chinese revolutions.

Today, Bidenā€™s attempts at ā€œreconciliation and unityā€ with Europe are part of US imperialismā€™s plans to prepare to confront both Russian and especially Chinese capitalism-imperialism. As Bertolt Brecht wrote in one of his best poems:

ā€œWhen the leaders speak of peace

怀The common folk know

怀That war is coming.ā€

Itā€™s not clear at all that Biden will be able to unite with Europe against Russia and China.Ā Ā  Here are just a few of the contradictions between US imperialism and its hoped-for European partners:

*ā€œChina may be a peer rival for the United States, but it has long been a vital trade partner for Europe. And while European leaders see Beijing as a systemic rival and competitor, they also see it as a partner, and hardly view it as an enemy.ā€ (NY Times, 2/18/21)

*Germany is eager to complete the Russian-backed Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, currently held up by threats of US sanctions. Biden and a bipartisan US congressional coalition consider Nord Stream 2 a threat to the US ā€œnational interestā€ because it would link Europe more tightly with Russia.

*The human rights group Amnesty International just declared that Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny is not a ā€œprisoner of conscience.ā€ They said this was because of past xenophobic comments that he hasnā€™t renounced, publicized by a campaign orchestrated by the Putin government. It weakens the case for recently imposed European sanctions against Russia, which US leaders want to be strengthened.

The US is increasingly isolated, with fascist Modiā€™s India potentially its closest ally. But as Biden said recently, ā€œChina is eating our lunch.ā€ Another great-power war is in the cards. No workers anywhere will escape the ravages of such a war.

Letā€™s all understand that none of these capitalist-imperialist powers ā€“ not China, not Russia, not Europe ā€“ is a friend to the working class.

If communist revolution cannot happen soon enough to prevent World War III, it must emerge from a war-torn globe. We must make a priority of communist organizing inside the bossesā€™ militaries.

Comrade in California (USA)

Read Our Pamphlet ā€œSoldiers, Sailors, Marines Crucial to a Communist Workers Revolutionā€

Ā  Available Ā  here Ā 

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