El Salvador: Factory Workers Join and Build ICWP

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Factory Workers Spread Communist Ideas

EL SALVADOR, April 5— “The first time I went to a meeting of the International Communist Workers’ Party, I told the worker comrades that I was coming, but not to ask me anything. In the end, I asked what Xenophobia meant. I had never heard that word. They explained clearly how racism and borders only serve to divide us workers. Since then, I have not stopped attending ICWP activities. I invite you all to continue reading our Red Flag newspaper and to be part of the Party,” said a comrade worker leader.

ICWP organized a meeting this weekend with dozens of women and men workers from three factories, and students and workers from other areas.

“All of us in this meeting have coworkers, friends, and family members with whom we must share the militant ideas of the ICWP, about how to organize communist revolution throughout the world. This struggle is reflected in Red Flag. The comrades who join the International Communist Workers’ Party today should know that this newspaper is produced and sustained by workers like you and me,” concluded a comrade worker leader enthusiastically.

We discussed the development of ICWP, which arose from the historical need to fight directly and in a mass way for Communism. Eight new comrades joined the Party, participating for the first time in a broader Party meeting. Previously they were just readers. We gave them the document Mobilize the Masses for Communism. We also spoke about the importance of commemorating May Day and our participation in this great march of workers worldwide.

A worker who attended with his wife, also a worker, had stopped participating in meetings for a while. He said, “Don’t think that because I haven’t met with you, I have stopped distributing Red Flag. No. I have continued to receive it and to pass it on to other workers. And I have told them what it would be like to live in a world without money, that we are only going to produce what society needs.”

Another worker said, “We want to thank you on behalf of all the comrades of the maquila factories, for the solidarity of the ICWP during the pandemic when the bosses did not pay us and left us starving and only the Party distributed food baskets to us. We will never forget it.”

Two copies of Red Flag were symbolically given to each worker, to show the urgent need to make the newspaper network grow.

“You have to give me seven newspapers because where I live there are more workers to whom I give Red Flag,” said a worker. Others also requested more.

Comrades, readers, friends and their families have continued to meet and discuss attending the march on May 1, 2021, as well as to discuss and analyze the Party’s plans in these workers’ collectives.

In this weekend’s meeting we discussed the international situation. We said that it is urgent to eliminate the capitalist system. We are clear that the more repression there is, the more struggle and the more potential that exists in these maquilas to organize communist revolution led by ICWP.

All the families attending the Party’s political gathering stayed to enjoy chicken, swimming pools and the beach. They said they felt liberated in this atmosphere of camaraderie of the International Communist Workers’ Party.

New Comrades in El Salvador: Our Communist Experience

It was very gratifying to be invited to the political gathering with the workers organized in the International Communist Workers’ Party, to be part of the cause for worldwide revolution. We very much liked all the information that was shared. Especially the experiences related to what the men and women workers in the maquila factories in El Salvador experience every day, in the struggle to survive, for their daily bread, and at the same time daily struggles for communist revolution.

We learned details, situations that we were unaware of, that inspired us to want to unite, struggle, and to be part of the ICWP proudly as workers. We feel motivated to fight for a significant change for all workers, who suffer all kinds of abuse, mistreatment and discrimination by the bosses every day.

It motivates us to fight so that we can live equitably and, what is essential, feel fulfilled. And thus, we can end the oppressive hand that takes advantage of its current power and subjugates whoever it can. We want to continue, keep informed, participate and be part of this fight to organize the ICWP.

We are very grateful for the opportunity and for all the warmth you gave us. Three of us attended the meeting, but six of us will be participating and be part of the organization.

Comrades in El Salvador

Marching Towards a Better World

“What did you think of today’s meeting of our communist collective?” I asked a university student. Did you like it?”

“Yes, “ he answered. “I have always thought that knowledge aimed at social development is a fundamental weapon for human beings. My experience today was gratifying and encouraging. Before this, I considered it difficult to find people who would seek an equitable good so that we can grow as a society.

“To find workers who are marching towards a better world. Or, failing that, towards a part of the population that initially directs projects to educate and learn with the general population to add a fundamental idea to the free thought of each person: we can all live in better conditions of health, work and solidarity.

“Listening to each speaker was very significant. It illuminates my thinking. Now I know that there are more people who share my ideals, seeking to change the stratification between exploiters and exploited. The actions to make this possible are achieved by changing our thoughts and those of others at the same time.”

He concluded, “I hope to be able to participate in upcoming Party meetings.”

Later we shared food and drinks on the beach boardwalk in the company of other friends.

Comrade in El Salvador

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