End Capitalist Wage Slavery with Communist Revolution

May Day 2021: ICWP Puts Communist Ideas Up Front Among Masses in Motion

Workers, farmers and youth worldwide are defying fascist rulers, racist and communalist mobs, a still-growing pandemic and economic crisis. They are fighting for the future of our international working class.

In India, South Africa, El Salvador, the US and elsewhere, more are joining the International Communist Workersā€™ Party (ICWP). They are spreading word of the need to destroy capitalist wage slavery and imperialist war by mobilizing for communism.

Sharpening Imperialist Conflict: More to Come

Conflicts are sharpening among the major imperialist powers (the US rulers and their allies versus China and Russia with Iran). Each is driven to maximize profits by seizing or maintaining control of as much of the world as possible.

This, the main contradiction driving world events, pulls other nationsā€™ capitalist rulers to take sides. Today, their unstable alliances fuel wars from Yemen to Ethiopia and beyond. They threaten all-out imperialist war.

The explosive situations in Myanmar and Ukraine indicate more to come. So does Chinaā€™s growing influence in Africa and in Latin America, where it is displacing long-term US dominance.Ā Ā  Covid 19 has exposed weaknesses of the US and Europe, while China has been able to combat the pandemic and leapfrog the world. Chinese imperialism is successfully challenging the US to become the dominant imperialist power.

The Biden administrationā€™s plans are desperate attempts to fortify US infrastructure. Meanwhile the Chinese capitalists are circling the world with their Belt and Road Initiative. These massive projects of ports, superhighways, and high-speed railways will dominate the worldā€™s commerce and industries.

Racism: Key Contradiction for Desperate US Imperialists

The US imperialists, increasingly weak, face major contradictions at home. Bitter divisions among their politicians threaten to paralyze their government. The fascist white-supremacist movement and cops they use against rebellious workers are further alienating the working class.

The wave of racist police murders during the trial of Derek Chauvin (killer of George Floyd) is sparking mass protests involving youth and older people of all ā€œraces.ā€ Recent mass shootings, especially of Chinese and Sikh people, lead many of our friends to consider seriously our communist analysis of racism.

Capitalists need racism to divide the masses, boost profits, and maintain class rule. But it seems to be backfiring. Within the growing anti-racist mass movement, many Black, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous and white youth are questioning the foundations of the system. They are eager to discuss communist ideas.

This threatens the rulersā€™ ability to win the US working class to patriotically fight their wars.Ā Ā  Communist youth in the military, especially, can build relationships with anti-racists in the bossesā€™ military and lead them to play a decisive role in the struggle to end fascism with communist revolution.

Meanwhile, the Chinese bosses are sitting on a volcano. In the last five years, half of the worldā€™s working-class strikes took place there. Two years ago, a shoe factory strike led to a provincial general strike, and the army was called in. The Chinese masses are not won to fighting for their bossesā€™ profits!

We Call on Our International Working-Class Family to Mobilize Masses for Communism

This May Day, letā€™s expand our forces to show that communismā€”only communism! ā€” can smash the bossesā€™ racist wage slavery.

Letā€™s deepen communist relationships with friends and family, with the masses in workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, and above all the military.

Letā€™s build and strengthen communist collectives that will enable us to destroy the bossesā€™ bloody profit system and win a communist world.

Amidst the pandemic, the global crisis, the rise of fascism and the rising drumbeat of imperialist warā€¦ the International Communist Workersā€™ Party is moving forward:

In El Salvador, women and men workers in garment sweatshops are recruiting relatives and neighbors, workers and students, into new communist collectives. Farmworker and student comrades are helping them build for a communist May Day.

In the USA, active and retired aerospace workers in Seattle are using social-media networks to build real communist relationships. Young workers in Los Angeles are mobilizing formerly inactive comrades and making new contacts in the streets. New communist leaders are developing among transit workers.

In South Africa, a comrade who joined ICWP after a two-year struggle wrote: ā€œBeing a comrade of the ICWP has made an immense impact in my beingā€¦. Iā€™ve never learned so much, Iā€™ve never been cared for. I was never exposed to the truth.ā€ He is trying to recruit eight co-workers to ICWP.

In India, a comrade who joined ICWP two years ago (when cops killed hundreds of Muslims) now helps to lead the circulation of thousands of Red Flags. His class hatred and his vision of communism have inspired many others to consider communism and join the Party. With comrades formerly in the army who are now farmworkers, he is working to get our literature to friends who are posted on the China-Pakistan border, to organize a military collective.

In Pakistan, Red Flag readers are talking to Chinese workers (who are part of a $50 billion infrastructure development project) about communism and Red Flag.

May Day embodies working-class resilience, creativity and revolutionary communist optimism. Letā€™s proudly fly our communist red flags high this May Day!

International ICWP Zoom Forum:

After May Day: Reviewing Our Communist Forces

and Planning to Win Our Communist Future

For Zoom link and more information contact comrades in your area or icwp@anonymousspeech.com

Sunday, May 23

*9:00 am West Coast of US and Canada

* 10:00 am El Salvador

* 11:00 am Mexico

*6:00 pm South Africa and Western Europe

* 9:30 pm India

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