For a Communist World Without Borders

LOS ANGELES (USA)— “Seeing a 3-year-old boy fall from the 20-foot wall to cross the US-Mexico border is devastating,” said a comrade. “Or seeing a child drown trying to reach the shores of Europe with his family,” said another.

These horrors make us ask: what kind of criminal system causes these crises and divides us with nations and borders? What system decides that a person from whom no profit is made must die? This system is capitalism.

But what is the alternative? Our task must be to organize ourselves and fight together to build a communist world without exploitation, racism or sexism, and without borders. Where we will all be valuable, necessary and welcome anywhere in the world.

A communist revolution in any part of the world will lay the basis for changing the entire society into one where we will all work to meet the needs of our whole human family. This will not only fulfill the need for food and shelter, but it will free our minds to create new forms of relationships of life for everyone.

The current capitalist and inter-imperialist crisis has wreaked havoc never before seen on the working class. It has forced millions to leave their places of origin, crossing oceans, deserts and mountains in search of a job to survive. But not all get to their destination. Many die. Others are deported.

The Mexican and Guatemalan borders are militarized with thousands of soldiers and police to prevent the caravans from advancing north. This is the product of pressure and blackmail from the US government. According to the New York Times, Biden offered 20 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to the president of Mexico in exchange for not letting immigrant caravans pass.

In the US, the Biden administration restricts the number of refugees (children and adults) as Trump did. There are limited quotas for immigrants. Neither Democrats nor Republicans have a satisfactory response to the immigration crisis created by their capitalist system.

From the racism of the current immigration laws to the ultra-right groups that call for shooting immigrants, all capitalists profit politically and economically from immigrant workers. Children and young people who manage to get to the US or stabilize their residence here, like those in the DACA program, await exploitation in factories or to prepare for wars in the army.

Globally, many blame the corruption of governments. But the rulers only follow the laws of capitalism: to maintain exploitation through wage slavery.

The class solidarity shown by many in Mexico, the US and Europe to immigrants from Central America, the Caribbean, Asia and Africa has dealt a blow to racism and nationalism. It shows that we, the working class, are one.

Men and women immigrants are not passive victims. They can become communist leaders of the working class worldwide, in factories, barracks and neighborhoods.

They have long led fights against this murderous and oppressive system. In the 19th century, immigrant workers were key to the struggle that led to the founding of May Day. From the struggles of European immigrants in the early 20th century, to Central American and Mexican immigrants at the end of that century, many helped organize communist parties with the vision of a world without exploitation.

We are one working class and we are fighting for one communist world without nations or borders. We are building one International Communist Workers’ Party. Join ICWP!

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