El Salvador, US: Industrial Workers Spread Red Flag

Expanding Communist Work to New Factory here ♦ MTA Workers Eager to Build Fight for Communism here ♦ Workers and Youth Learn Abut Communism here ♦

El Salvador: Expanding Communist Work to a New Factory

EL SALVADOR, June 18— Workers wondered: “Where do you come from?” “They are a new union.” “They are from the fmln.”

“We are women and men workers just like you,” we explained, “comrades of an internationalist party: the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP). The organization that is necessary to fight for a better world, without bosses and without any currency.”

This week a group of us workers, accompanied by an army veteran, went to the maquila factories in the center of the country. It was part of our plan to expand and recruit more workers for the ICWP.

We distributed 40 Red Flag newspapers. Almost everything went well for us. The workers took the newspapers without wasting any. We distributed to both men and women workers.

The weakness in our action was that they were holding a celebration inside the factory on that day and not many workers came out to the street.

We put phone numbers into the Red Flag newspapers for them to call to contact us. As time was very short, we explained to some workers a little more about the emergence of our Party. After distributing the newspapers, we left happy and satisfied.

Comrades, let’s continue fighting for the vision of the ICWP! For the next visit we have decided to go to the exit where the workers leave these factories in the afternoon and distribute 150 newspapers. We will bring more comrades to support us in the activity.

Transit Workers Enthusiastic to Build Fight for Communism

LOS ANGELES (USA), June 18 — “I need more Red Flags to pass out in the operators’ and drivers’ cafeteria,” said a worker to Comrade G of the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) collective in public transport (MTA). “A lot of people are excited,” she added. “They’re distributing the paper again outside our division.”

N also said that he likes the information in Red Flag. He said that we must struggle for more workers to read it and appreciate all the positive information that it has.

A mechanic came up to us and said, “The teacher has come back to distribute Red Flag.”

We asked him, “Did you get the newspaper?” He showed us that he had it in his lunch bag.

The excitement for Red Flag among the friends and members created a positive atmosphere for our meeting of party members at MTA. We talked about the commitment of each member to communist ideas and to the growth of ICWP. We emphasized the internal struggle to encourage us to continue struggling ideologically with our co-workers, family, and friends.

We needed this discussion because during the pandemic many activities and plans were postponed or canceled. Sometimes rightly so, because three members of the group were ill at different times, and we were worried about mass gatherings.

However, we always kept trying to advance, bringing communist ideas to our co-workers and friends.

The comrades who attended this meeting were very positive and eager to advance as much as possible with the Red Flag networks and study groups. They eagerly welcomed the return of the comrades who distribute the newspaper outside. Many workers commented that “Red Flag has returned!”

Enthusiasm for continuing to organize the party with communist ideas is growing. We are developing plans for visiting workers and contacting more members and friends from other divisions to join ICWP.

Comrades in MTA

Workers and Youth Learn About Communism

EL SALVADOR, June 18— Following our plan of meetings with the collectives of comrades from the factory, six of us workers met this week after work. Another two comrade workers couldn’t come because they had to work overtime for the boss.

We explained the vision of the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) and what it would be like in communism. We explained that in communism we will work as much as necessary to produce the needs of humanity, no longer for the eight hours or twelve hours that the capitalists are used to.

We asked, “What is capitalism for you?”

“Capitalism is the oppression of the working class,” a new ICWP comrade told us.

Then comrade A, a Party leader, explained that “capitalism absorbs us day by day with high production goals and they pay us a pittance. Capitalism takes everything.”

Comrade B added, “Capitalism takes our labor power and our time so that the capitalists keep all the profits, because that is the objective of capitalism.”

We added that in communism, apart from working the amount of time that is necessary, we will have more time for our family.

The new comrade told us that in order to grow we would have to start with the youth, because they are the future of the world. We told them that in communism there are young students. That is why the families are being involved: so that they understand communism.

During the whole meeting, we were enjoying a snack and then we said goodbye.

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