G7 and NATO: US-China Conflict Sharpens

US and Allies on Collision Course with China and Russia: Workers & Soldiers Must Prepare for Communist Revolution

The G7, NATO and the US-EU Summits, which ended June 13-15, sharpened the rivalry between US, Chinese and Russian imperialism for world domination.

This rivalry is the main aspect of the main contradiction in the world today. Directly or indirectly, it impacts everything affecting our lives. It is driving the world to deepening economic crisis, fascism and world war.

Dialectical Materialism is the communist philosophy of change. It teaches us that capitalism (like everything else) is a dialectical contradiction. It is two camps – the workers and capitalists – united yet in struggle against each other.

The capitalists struggle to keep oppressing and exploiting workers. The workers’ struggle is to end this exploitation. We must make this the main contradiction in the world by sharpening it in favor of the working class.

The International Communist Workers’ Party aspires to lead this by organizing to grow massively internationally. To mobilize millions of workers, soldiers and youth in an armed revolution for communism. Only this can stop the bosses’ plans for World War III.

Bosses’ Contradictions are Insoluble.

At US President Biden’s urging, these summits took a harsh stance against China and Russia.

They were divided, however, over the issue of endorsing a new Cold War with China and Russia. European capitalists have diverging interests with US bosses and among themselves.

Europe needs China’s trade and investments. China is the EU’s main trading partner and Russia has a chokehold on Europe’s energy supplies.

European capitalists realize the wind is blowing from the East. The developing world has almost two-thirds of the global economy compared to one-third by the West. Fifty years ago, it was exactly the opposite.

So, they compromised on the US “Build Back Better World” (B3W) initiative. This global infrastructure project is meant to compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). BRI is China’s massive infrastructure project of ports, roads and trains to link Asia to Europe and Africa.

Capitalists can unite temporarily but their diverging interests lead to conflict. Although united in exploiting the workers, they must fight over the spoils of this exploitation. If we are not engaged in revolutionary war against them, they are free to fight each other.

US Imperialism Can’t Stop China’s Rise

While announcing the B3W project, the US, Australia, Japan and European partners met in Paris to revive and expand the Blue Dot Network (BDN). This infrastructure project also aims to derail China’s BRI.

Biden said that the infrastructure needs of the “underdeveloped world” exceed $40 trillion. Both projects may never materialize because they depend on private investors who may shy away from investing heavily in impoverished countries. China, meanwhile, has invested over $4 trillion in BRI.

Contradictions Among US Rulers and Their Allies

Last week the US Senate passed a bipartisan bill providing $250 billion over five years in technology research and development to compete with China.

“We declare our intention to win this century, and those that follow it as well,” exclaimed a Republican senator who co-sponsored the bill. He is dreaming. The Chinese imperialists are investing $560 billion yearly in technology research and development.

Other US rulers have no such illusions. They aim to get NATO on their side in a war against China and Russia. At US urging, NATO for the first time ever referred officially to China’s rise as a “systemic” challenge. NATO still put Russia in its crosshairs as its main enemy.

In NATO, as in the G7, not all members support the US stance against China or Russia. These developments, however, are pushing Russia and China closer together.

Contradictions Among Workers: Resolution Leads to Higher Unity for Communism

The working-class camp is also a dialectical contradiction of unity and struggle. Workers everywhere have the same material interests: to destroy capitalism and build a communist society that meets our needs. To build collectivity and defeat individualism.

Our differences are mainly ideological: Communist ideas versus all the poisonous ideologies class society has developed to keep us divided and exploited.

Communists are part of the working class. We do not want to become exploiters or amass wealth. We aim to destroy money, abolish the wage system, and rid our class of racism, sexism, xenophobia and all anti-working-class ideologies and practices.

Our goal is a classless world without borders or nations. Where we produce and share everything collectively according to need, treating each other with respect, dignity and love.

That will take a communist revolution in which soldiers and sailors are indispensable. The imperialists are planning their war and we must plan ours. We must organize Party military collectives to guarantee communist work in the bosses’ armed forces from India to South Africa to Mexico to the US.

Dare to struggle! Dare to win a communist world!

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