Letters about Recent Communist Conference

Dialectical Materialism here ♦ We are all Communists here ♦ Good Experience at Conference here ♦ Good Results here ♦

Dialectical Materialism:  Philosophy for the Masses

For years in meetings of the International Communist Workers’ Party we have said that capitalism does not want philosophy to be available to everyone. And how right we have been! A few days ago, I was in a university class in which the teacher “explained” dialectical materialism to us.

He did it in a very complex and abstract way that confused us a lot. But since we have studied it for years in the Party, that helped me to be able to contribute my point of view.

The teacher told us that, according to the dialectic, processes are cyclical and returned to the same place. When he finished the class, he said that if we had questions or comments, we should write them in the chat, and he would read them.

I wrote and said that I did not agree that processes are cyclical, that such a statement was anti-dialectical. Instead, they were processes, negating past processes as the law of the negation of the negation says. And they could not be cyclical because we would speak of them being the same. He read it but did not comment on anything, even though he responded to the contributions of the others.

This opinion that I posted made a friend write to me, and we had an interesting conversation.  I had given him our newspaper:

Friend: “Hey, I saw your message in the chat, I didn’t understand anything, no matter how much attention I paid.”

Me: “Well, if they had explained it to me for the first time like he did, I wouldn’t understand it either, I know a little about the subject because in the party we have studied about Dialectical Materialism and we have always said that capitalism makes these issues complex so that the masses do not understand them and don’t question the system”.

Friend: “The Party that you are in surprises me more and more and interests me.”

I shared different articles from past editions, and we will have a Zoom meeting to talk more about it.

—A Comrade

ICWP Conference:  We Are All Communists, No Divisions

EL SALVADOR, January 21—This week a group of comrades, men and women workers from the maquila and comrades from another area, met as the leadership of the International Communist Workers’ Party here. We discussed the international conference that took place in December.

We have collected comments from participants in the conference. Among them are that they were delighted to know that there are more countries where workers are joining ICWP. Workers who participated for the first time had their doubts about whether the Party was really international. With the conference they have no doubt left. Also, it was very inspiring when comrades explained to us the process of producing our Red Flag newspaper.

We also set dates for the February extended meeting, as well as discussing how we will invite more women and men workers in the maquila where we work. We discussed the need to plan the march on May 1, 2022. We are committing ourselves to put great effort into organizing for it.

Conversations in the workshops

What will life be like in communism? There were many answers. Some said that work will be carried out based on the needs of humanity. Others said people will do different work. For example, those who work the land can teach us how to do that, just like we who work in the factory can teach them to make clothes.

The most important thing we discussed was that there will be no need for money. That has had a big impact on many new comrades and Red Flag readers.

When I got home, I started to remember what happened at the conference. I thought about what we talked about in the different workshops where we were maquila workers, farm workers, teachers, students, the internationalist comrades who were present and those who were present though zoom.

I think that in communism it will be different, as we are all going to do diverse work and there will no longer be borders. We are all going to be communists. There will be no division. I imagine the conferences where we will all call ourselves communists. We will be just one world.

—Comrade Maquila Worker ­

Good Experience at ICWP Conference

I attended the international conference of the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP), although I was not in the best of health. I have been incapacitated for 5 months because of a traffic accident. I made the effort, and I still use crutches to walk, but this did not stop me from being present with the comrades who make Red Flag.

The vision and objectives of the ICWP that fights directly for the communist system is clear to me. I am a worker who likes justice for the working class because I am against all the bosses’ exploitation and the poverty in which we live as workers.

I think it was a good decision to attend. It is the second international conference that I have attended, together with my spouse. She always invites me, and we are both part of the Party. She is a maquiladora worker.

I encourage more workers to join ICWP. Since unity is strength, this is the way we will be more voices that shout more about our struggle.

Soon we will meet again.

—Comrade reader in El Salvador

Great Results, Red Flag

 “Thank you for sharing Red Flag with us, we already read it,” two friends told me with whom I shared our Red Flag newspaper through a message.

“It is admirable to see the struggle and commitment that we can read in the articles, to learn about the maquilas in our country, as well as to read the personal stories that moved me,” commented one new reader.

“I found it very interesting to know that in many parts of the world the workers’ struggle is reflected, that we are not the only ones facing these situations, even seeing news from India, which I liked a lot,” said another.

He added, “We feel very encouraged to continue reading Red Flag and to be able to participate in a future Conference like the one you attended.”

In the articles and letters published after our International Conference held by our International Communist Workers’ Party there were great results that inspire us.

These are a clear example that we can see when we get comments from our readers where they feel admiration and the need to continue learning about the ideology of our ICWP through our Red Flag newspaper.

I will continue to follow up with our new readers by sending them our newspaper.  It is a constant struggle and a commitment that we must continue winning comrades who know that we are an international party without borders.

The communist struggle continues.

—Young Comrade in El Salvador

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