Migrant Worker’s Story: Why we Need A Communist World Without Borders

One Migrant’s Story is the Story of Workers Worldwide here ♦ Communism Will End Deadly Capitalism and its Borders here ♦

One Migrant’s Story Is the Story of Workers Worldwide

“After several days of enduring hunger, they took me through the desert, walking only eight hours, something that takes two or three days for others. At night we hid in bushes, so as not to be discovered by the Border Patrol’s drones. We heard the howls of coyotes and smelled the foul odors of decomposing bodies. I got cactus thorns in my arms and feet.” A young worker told me this story of his trip to the United States just seven months ago.

He borrowed 121,000 quetzales, equivalent to $16,000 dollars, and still owes $6,000. He is working day and night to pay off his debt.

“I am sorry to be away from the people who have been with me all my life. I have a job, but not all of them are doing well, because they don’t have a job or a place to sleep,” added my friend.

As a member of ICWP and another member of the working class, I told him: “All of us workers in the world are migrants. Nationality is a concept that the bosses try to put into our heads from the time we are small.

“In a communist world, no worker and their families will have to move from their place of origin just because they cannot find a job that pays them a wage. Work will not be a commodity that is bought or sold by a boss, because money will not exist.

“We workers will eliminate it as soon as we take power and establish a communist society and begin to think about what else will be eliminated that is against the interests of the workers.”

Until then, millions of workers will continue to suffer the capitalists’ torture as they enforce their borders with their police and army, as is happening on the borders of the United States, Mexico, and Guatemala. They are making children, women and men suffer regardless of age and physical condition or gender. These workers, like us, just want to have a life without so many worries.

This situation of desperately wanting to improve their family or individual situation has been created by the capitalist-imperialist fight among the great powers such as Russia, China, the USA, Germany, England, and others who are fighting for control of the world economy.

This migrant worker’s story is repeated on the coasts of Spain, England, Africa, and Latin America. But the most enraging cases are when people must flee their places of origin to escape a bullet, whether due to war, organized police, or gang crime, but encounter death on the way.

Only organizing to destroy this system and building a communist world of workers’ solidarity will guarantee us a new world without so much social insecurity, either physically or with our health.

My friend seems to agree, and he liked what we wrote in Red Flag. The struggle with him will continue so that he becomes more interested in the Party’s ideas and becomes a future candidate to join and participate with us.

—Immigrant Comrade in the US

Communism Will End Deadly Capitalism and Its Borders

Last year more than 650 migrants died along the US-Mexico border.  4,404 lives were lost in the waters trying to reach Spain, most of them over the world’s most deadly route.

January began with still more deaths. In just the second week of 2022, a 38-year-old man died in San Diego Border Patrol custody.  A 7-year-old Venezuelan girl was swept up and drowned in the Rio Grande River.  Two adults, a teenager and a baby from India froze to death trying to cross the US-Canada border.  And a 16-year-old boy died in Arizona trying to cross the border.

As we go to press, the US Coast Guard is reporting that 39 people have died in the waters between The Bahamas and the US.

Knowing about our dead on the southern border of the US and the rest of the world should encourage us to see the urgency of organizing for communist revolution. It is literally a matter of life or death.

These tragic stories will continue until we workers are well organized in ICWP.  Finally we will destroy this exploitative and murderous system and build a communist society where capitalism’s deadly borders will be a thing of the past.

Front page of this issue