China and India: Foxconn Factory Workers Rebel

Foxconn workers on strike in Chennai, India 2021

December 7— Workers from the world’s biggest Apple iPhone factory in Zhengzhou, China, run by Foxconn, confronted security forces on November 23. Last year, Foxconn workers in Chennai, India protested and blocked a major highway when co-workers fell ill after eating factory food.

As in Iran and elsewhere, the masses are fed up with grinding wage slavery which translates into mass unemployment, hunger, and a bleak future. US imperialists are trying hard to portray and mold the mass movements in their favor, especially where pro-US elements participate in the protests.

But the masses must not remain stuck between competing capitalist butchers. Fascist onslaughts will continue to increase until more workers, soldiers, and youth embrace the communist alternative.

We must take advantage of the present circumstances in Iran, China and elsewhere to put forward and defend our communist line and to build the International Communist Workers’ Party.

 Foxconn Workers In China

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