El Salvador: International Communist Conference

Communist Conference here ♦ Red Flag Report here ♦

Call to the 2022 International Communist Conference

EL SALVADOR, December 3— A world without borders, racism, caste, sexism, and wage slavery will only be possible under Communism!

We are holding an international conference at the end of this month to build the ICWP to unite the masses. We need to strengthen communist relations, organize new collectives, and massively distribute our newspaper Red Flag. To develop leadership of women and men in the factories, among others. Recruiting youth and soldiers is key.

This will be an occasion to evaluate the work of organizing and recruiting workers who are essential to the fight for communism.

Now is the time to organize and mobilize for communism. This is an important moment.

Maquila (sweatshop) workers in El Salvador, like millions around the world, organized in the International Communist Workers’ Party, are a key part of this struggle.

Meetings of collectives after exhausting workdays, Red Flag distribution and leafleting, visits to other factories to distribute Red Flag, and larger extended meetings are among the actions that comrades carry out in El Salvador. In the process we have been learning that workers’ daily lives matter, practicing principles of solidarity and strengthening communist social relations.

Here we are under attack by the bosses and their fascist government whose “regime of exception” (martial law) serves to repress the working class. This shows the need to grow the party with a strong base of workers in the factories fighting for Communism: building communist relations among workers, developing and strengthening communist leadership.

The working class worldwide is in motion, protesting the effects of the generalized crisis of the system: waves of layoffs, hunger, misery, forced migration, and imperialist wars.

The need to organize is urgent. Our class must respond with communist revolution. These mobilizations represent an opportunity for ICWP to grow.

This conference will be partly face-to-face and partly by Zoom. It is open to all comrades and friends who want to participate with questions, suggestions, criticisms, or short comments about their own experiences. For more information, ask the person who shared this paper with you or contact us at ICWP@NYM.hush.com

In struggle for Communism and nothing less!

Spreading and Advancing Our Communist Line Through Red Flag

How can we make Red Flag/Bandera Roja a more effective weapon for the working class?  This is one of the key discussions for the upcoming international conference.

The editorial collective tries to guarantee that each issue puts forward a sharp communist line. But articles are only effective if they are read and discussed. It’s important to read articles that are not about one’s own specific situation. The letter from India in this issue shows this.

How can articles be improved so that more comrades and friends will want to read them?  What articles and letters are most helpful in discussions? What else do we need?

Our party does not believe in relying on “experts.”  How can we start developing many more writers of letters and articles with our line?

As more people write, they bring different ideas – some very helpful.  The last issue was a step forward, with more comrades contributing articles and letters.  But some of us thought it

didn’t explain enough about communist politics.  One way to learn to write is by helping to produce (and distribute) local leaflets, especially about international issues.

Two things go hand in hand: The struggle to write and the struggle over the line. The main work of the editorial collective is political struggle over the line.  How to organize articles or make them clearer is secondary.

Several younger comrades are getting more involved in this work – an important step forward.  More must do so. We all must help make that happen.

Let’s work to decentralize the theoretical work, encourage local initiative, and develop a broader viewpoint!  Dare to struggle, dare to win!

Front page of this issue