Iran: Defeat All Capitalists and Imperialists with Communist Revolution!

 Iran: Isfahan steelworkers on strike

December 7—Iran has been rocked by nationwide protests since the death of 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman Masha Amini on September 16 while in police custody.

Last week the Iranian government announced that it might disband its “morality police” as a ploy to try to head off mass strikes against the government’s fascist attacks.

The ploy failed. On Dec. 5, the call for nationwide strikes was widely answered, with industrial workers, truck drivers, nurses, teachers, and others striking and protesting alongside students and shopkeepers.

In the last three months, per Human Rights Activist News Agency, over 18,000 protesters have been arrested; hundreds have been killed.

The courageous masses need the International Communist Workers’ Party to mobilize for communism. That’s the only solution to the murderous exploitation, racism, sexism and homophobia of this and all capitalist governments. Fighting for anything less will only change the face of the exploiter, not the lives of the masses. No capitalist or imperialist will save us.

US imperialists want to use this struggle to destabilize Iran and pressure its government to stop allying with Russia. But many remember that the US supported the murderous Shah until the end. Many more will come to see the need to fight for a communist society where the masses of women and men together organize all production through their mass communist party and use resources only to meet the masses’ needs and not for profit.

See Our Previous Article:

 Lessons of 20th Century Communist Movement in Iran

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