2023: Global Class Struggle Sharpens

2023: Already a New Year of Class Struggle here ♦ Tunis here ♦ Chicago here ♦ Spain here ♦ United Kingdom here ♦

Tunis, Tunisia, January 2:  Tram and bus workers strike over delays in salaries and the lack of an end-of-year bonus. 

2023:  Already a New Year of Class Struggle

January 4—Eighty-six thousand electrical power workers in Mumbai, India.  Nurses, ambulance drivers, and railroad workers in the UK.  Transit workers in the capital of Tunisia.  Health workers in Chicago, USA.  Ryanair cabin workers in Spain.  All on strike in the first week of 2023!

The global crisis of capitalism is deepening. The rulers, desperately competing to maximize profits, are privatizing public enterprises and squeezing workers harder and harder. Many workers know that their trade-union reform fights, however militant, are at best defensive actions that can’t and won’t liberate our class. But they know too that they must fight back.

More strikes will come – including teachers in Scotland next week.  More rebellions will come – as in Iran.  More opportunities will come to share the news that communist revolution is both necessary and possible to end capitalism’s destruction of our lives and our environment.

Let’s bring communist literature, communist signs, and communist slogans to the picket lines and the streets everywhere we can!  Let’s meet, befriend, and recruit to our party many of these angry strikers who are desperate for change!

Chicago, USA, January 3:  Howard Brown Health workers strike against layoffs. “It’s hard to say this is an organization that believes in liberation when they want to slash programs that serve the community, not to mention the community they serve is often the people that work there,” said a striker.

Spain, January 2: Ryanair flight attendants strike at ten major airports over pay and working conditions.

United Kingdom, January 3:  Railway strikers demand raises to keep up with inflation.

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