Canadian Truckers’ Blockade: Part of Worldwide Fascist Movement

Only Communism can destroy worldwide fascist movement here ♦ Mask Mandate Protest: Cover-up for Racist Fascism here ♦ Canadian Cops Coddle Racist Convoy here ♦

Only Communism Can Destroy Worldwide Fascist Movement

February 15—When Canadian trucker convoys started last month, the bosses’ media described them as anti-mandate demonstrators exercising their democratic rights. Some media outlets even labeled them a movement of “working class” protesters fighting remote, affluent elites. But it soon became clear that the convoys were part of a worldwide fascist movement fueled by racism and billionaires.

The racist, fascist Canada Unity movement launched the so-called Freedom Convoy. Two years ago, its leader facilitated another convoy called United We Roll. It threatened to dismantle a picket line of striking truckers and run over workers.

Another leader said, “There’s an endgame, it’s called the depopulation of the Caucasian race.” A third leader is known for organizing events attacking people who are BIPOC or are in LGBTQ communities, as well as trying to stop immigration .

The convoys have spread to most Canadian cities. They have blockaded bridges between Canada and the U.S., causing layoffs of auto workers in both countries.  Upcoming caravans are planned (or have already happened) in the United States and all 27 European countries.

There is only one effective response to the worldwide fascist movement. We must build the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) internationally in preparation for armed communist revolution. Only by fighting racism can we win communism. Only by establishing communism can we end racism for good.

Fascists Backed by Millions…of Dollars!

Early on, GoFundMe raised nearly $10 million to fund the fascist convoys. When it ran into legal trouble, the far-right Christian GiveSendGo fundraiser took over. It’s known for its support of racist, fascist causes, including the violent Proud Boys.

In contrast, the Canadian working class doesn’t support these fascists. Obviously, the Freedom Convoy is not on the side of immigrant truckers who now make up over one-third of the Canadian trucking industry. In major cities such as Vancouver and Toronto, South Asians alone make up more than half the industry’s workforce.

“Wage theft is a major issue across the trucking industry,” said Arshdeep Singh Kang, a long haul driver born in South Asia, “This is [among] the real issues we should be uniting around.”

In fact, most truckers want nothing to do with these fascist caravans, including Canadian-born white truckers.

Democracy is The Last Refuge of the Scoundrel…and the New York Times

Early on, Indigenous organizations protested the racist motivations of the convoys. Others have since exposed the anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and anti-immigrant violence of the caravan organizers. The proliferation of neo-Nazi and Confederate flags makes the picture even clearer.

Mimicking several Canadian papers, the New York Times ran an editorial making a false equivalence between the racist Freedom Convoys and the anti-racist protests in the U.S. and around the world after the murder of George Floyd. Both, it said, are “a necessary form of expression in a democratic society.”

The last time we heard such a false comparison was when a young woman was killed at a neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, VA. Trump said there were good people on both sides. The details were different, but the liberal bourgeoise are just as capable of lying and just as dangerous as the more obvious fascists.  They are just as anti-communist.

The Battle Is Global

Some friends of the ICWP were taken aback by the Canadian fascist mobilizations. They thought Canada (and many European countries) was more “progressive” than the US., while some Canadians thought the budding fascist, racist movements were a U.S. phenomenon.

Capitalist media amplified that misconception. At first, they ignored the demonstrations; later they tried to trivialize them.  They struggled to shield these enemies of the working class behind calls for democracy until U.S. capitalists started losing too much money from the blockades.

The fact is that the worlds’ ruling classes everywhere are increasingly forced to turn to fascism fueled by racism. So-called progressive capitalists and social democrats divert us from the fight with promises of reform.

The battle is global. Building for communist revolution must also be global. This worldwide effort requires one international party: the ICWP.

Communist revolution is the only way to end a century of capitalist fascism. Only communism can end wage slavery. Only by ending the wage system can we open the door to finally ending racism and fascism. Communist collective production will enable the masses, led by the party, to build the long-term mobilization that can finally end these deadly atrocities.

“Mask Mandate” Protests:  Cover-up for Racist Fascism

At the beginning of the truckers’ convoy on Ottawa, the capital of Canada, my Latina friend went to support them, because she’s against mask mandates. Proudly she put that on her Facebook account.

Another friend said, “Yes, let’s support the people.”

Immediately her son said, “Please don’t support her. Those truckers are racists, they have the Nazi swastika.”

There was a political discussion among my friends and family about the purpose of this racist fascist scum. My daughter said, “If those protestors were Blacks, Latinos or indigenous, the police would have used violence, including shooting them. I saw a picture of the police drinking coffee and eating donuts with them. I’m furious.”

When the truckers tried to come to Quebec, there were a lot of people protesting against them.

I have talked to a comrade in US about how to bring communist ideas into these discussions and build a strong party collective here in Canada.

Comrade in Montreal, Canada

Canadian Cops Coddle Racist Convoy

How do so-called protestors get away with terrorizing Canada’s capital for over three weeks with few repercussions? By being predominantly white, of course!

For three weeks now, some Canadian truckers and their supporters have been disturbing the city of Ottawa demanding the end of all vaccine mandates and the resignation of Justin Trudeau. Vaccine mandates are a provincial issue and not a federal one, but protestors spend their days chanting in front of the parliament building.

The protest was already unpopular when, within a few days, protestors were found waving Nazi flags and harassing homeless shelter volunteers for food.  They defaced the grave of the unnamed soldier and a statue of a Canadian national hero.  People in Ottawa, especially people of color, feel trapped in their homes. Some have been asked to work from home for their safety.

Amongst all this chaos, where are the police?  Unsurprisingly, the police are unwilling and unable to diffuse the situation. Fascist protestors have said the police were “amazing” with them. Many people criticized the police for being too soft and overly friendly with the protestors. The police responded with a statement that they will ramp up enforcement and end this convoy as soon as possible.

If we have anything to learn from the convoys, it’s this: police are perfectly capable of being nonviolent with protestors if they’re racist whites.

Black and Indigenous people of color have called out the hypocrisy of the police.  They lament how their protests are never met with this sort of nonchalance, but rather with brutal violence.

It’s not surprising to see the institution meant to uphold white supremacy do nothing, but it’s disappointing, nonetheless. It’s hard to not recall the tear gas and violence with which Black Lives Matter protestors were quickly met during the summer of 2020.

Today’s “freedom” protestors refuse to acknowledge the tremendous privilege they are being granted as a predominantly racist white group. Too clouded by privilege and ignorance to acknowledge the criticism they are hearing from Canada’s minorities.

Comrade C in Canada

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