ICWP Builds International Struggle with New Anti-Racism Pamphlet

February 6– “I am Dalit, I have experienced first-hand the poverty brought by casteism,” a comrade in India declared.  “I am organizing six young Dalits in a nearby mining area.  I am determined to help produce a new communist pamphlet about racism.”

From the struggles against casteism and communalism (religious prejudice) that started in India to the Black Lives Matter protests that started in the US, the ICWP has grown amidst anti-fascist protests. Millions have joined these uprisings worldwide. Most have learned to hate capitalism.

From these experiences, we are learning even more about how the capitalists divide us in order to intensify exploitation and maintain their control.  As fascist attacks have sharpened, so has our understanding of the many aspects of racism. This is happening through struggles against the fascists and work among comrades and friends internationally, who know that only armed communist revolution can end the racist capitalist system.

The growth of the party in India, South Africa, Central America, the U.S. and elsewhere has broadened our understanding of the communist struggle to end all the deadly ploys the bosses use to divide the working class. This increased knowledge and growth make a new Party anti-racism pamphlet essential to invigorate our international anti-racist communist work.

“I want to help,” said a comrade who is rejoining the fight after decades.

“This is important; I want to be on the committee,” said another younger comrade, despite working more than one job to make ends meet.

Dozens more comrades and friends are eager to work on this new anti-racism pamphlet, discussed at a recent International Committee meeting of our party. Old friends and new friends; new comrades, and veteran comrades. The enthusiasm was unmistakable.

A South African comrade—part of a new generation of communist leaders—stepped up to lead the international collective tasked with writing the initial drafts of this pamphlet and creating social media content.

He opened the discussion by reminding us that the party’s concept of racism has expanded with the intensification of racism, in all its forms, around the world. Comrades suggested incorporating the fights against xenophobia, Islamophobia, and the rise of nationalism. Several explained how sexism intersects with the anti-racist battle. Another said that casteism is as important as racism in this worldwide fight.

The ICWP is one international party. The members of the anti-racism pamphlet collective reflect the global growth of the party. They see themselves as international comrades, rather than “national representatives.”  Each will also work with local collectives.

Different pamphlet sections will explain specific aspects of the worldwide communist fight against racism in which Party members are active. With the help of comrades all over the world, the pamphlet will make the case for global communist revolution and how communism can end all these bosses’ divisions.

How do we change the world?

The collective is tasked with leading this communist work by example and struggle. We must form the communist relations necessary to help those who have learned to hate capitalism become communist organizers. We must take this fight from the streets to the factories, barracks, schools, and more.

In this era of capitalist crisis and civil strife, racist ideologies fuel fascist movements. Even as comrades met to discuss the new pamphlet, neo-fascists organized the racist Canadian trucker convoys. These fascist mobilizations are now spreading around the world.

The international working class must be prepared to answer fascist violence with armed communist revolution. The battle will be hard, long, and filled with racist attacks. This collective of new leaders is an essential part of the preparation.

Comrades’ enthusiasm for the pamphlet project is right on time. This collective will make sure that all contributions will advance the communist struggle to end racism once and for all.

All comrades and friends can help by joining these struggles, discussing these issues with friends, family and co-workers, and writing for and distributing Red Flag. This is how the Party grows, how our theory improves, and how we will become strong enough to change the world.

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