New Maquila Workers’ Collective Makes Plans to Advance Communist Work

EL SALVADOR, February 14— “I have spent all my youth working in that factory,” said a comrade. “My labor power has stayed there. Together with the other workers, I have lived through injustice, labor exploitation and the bosses’ abuses.

“We work and produce dozens of clothes every day; with our work the boss increases his profits,” she continued. “The need to survive exposes us to this situation. My daughter also recently started working in the factory, and she will be one more comrade for the Party.”

A new workers’ collective of three women and three men met this week. It is the product of the ICWP international conference last December. Some members have been active for years but were not part of a cell. Others are new to the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP).

This collective is key to the organizational work and expansion of communist ideas in the factory. The ideas of the party mobilize the working class directly for communism, not for higher wages. It is necessary to organize ourselves.

We discussed three points: the need to recruit more workers, the distribution of Red Flag, and May Day 2022.

We need to recruit more workers to the ranks of the ICWP since they are key for communist revolution. “Each member of the party must take this task seriously.  We are the ones who produce everything, and our leadership is essential to defeat capitalism,” said a comrade. “We have readers who still do not meet with us. We have to investigate why.”

“How do we move forward with them?”  asked a comrade.

We plan to involve them in all the activities that we carry out, be it politics, birthday celebrations, or just sharing a coffee. The point is to strengthen relations with them. We must know what they think about communist ideas, if they believe that change is possible and how we can be part of this change.

On the second point:  we look for the most effective way to distribute our Red Flag newspaper. We consider that the members must take more copies than they take today so that communist ideas reach the working class.  In addition to that, we talk about the content, to provoke them to read Red Flag.

Finally, we discussed what we want to do for May Day, to elaborate the slogans of struggle, to invite more workers and organize all the aspects of marching that day. We concluded by assigning tasks for this great activity of the working class.

New Reader Shares Red Flag with a Co-worker

Through the constant struggle against the capitalist system to which we are subjected, we try to win more new comrades every day who know our ideology to mobilize the masses and fight for the communist society that we so desire.

We must not stop. We must continue fighting. That is why I continue to follow up with friends and family with whom I share our Red Flag newspaper.

We held a face-to-face meeting after they read our newspaper.  They were very motivated to see that their opinions were reflected in a letter in the previous edition. “It made me feel that we were taken into account and that other people internationally would learn about us through the newspaper,” said one.

Another friend told me, “I did not want to just keep the newspaper for myself. I shared it with a co-worker. We will continue reading it and sharing Red Flag.” This makes me very happy because we are fulfilling our commitment to mobilize the masses for our communist struggle and increasing the number of our readers.

We will continue with our meetings to discuss our newspaper and the ideology of our ICWP to keep strengthening relations, since they are highly motivated to learn more about the international struggle that is taking place.

Comrade in El Salvador

Front page of this issue