El Salvador: Organizing Factory Workers into ICWP

Wage Slavery Must Die here ♦ Ukraine War Motivates Worker to Join ICWP here ♦ Communist Struggle in Maquilas here ♦ Death of a Working Class Fighter here ♦

Wage Slavery Must Die So the Working Class Can Live

EL SALVADOR, March 2— “Are you Red Flag?” a worker asked when she saw the leaflet. She had been in the first meeting we had in this factory. “I know that you all fight for us, the workers,” she affirmed. “I have talked with you in other spaces where I meet and one day we will have to unite in the struggle.” We remembered that first time, and how important it was to initiate the International Communist Workers’ Party in that factory.

“We invite you to come again to the meetings, you will always be welcome,” a Party comrade told her. We also exchanged phone numbers with another worker, as we gave them the leaflet and they agreed to meet.

A group of four women arrived at the indicated time to carry out the leafleting on the outskirts of the maquila zone. We called on the workers to organize and fight directly for communism.

We explained that ICWP is making this struggle worldwide. The important pillars of our revolutionary strategy are the industrial workers and soldiers, and the participation of all sectors of our class. The capitalists’ thirst for profit attacks the well-being of the working class. The Covid-19 health crisis has made this scenario of terror clear. Nothing will change if we workers remain passive.

Who Produces Everything?

The workers in all types of factories are the ones who add the value to everything they produce. They convert the fabric into clothing, making that product to meet the needs of the people. But it is the boss who keeps all the profit. This can and must change.

Wage slavery must die so that the working class can live.

We Need a Communist System

In the communist system nothing will be sold. Everything will be produced to satisfy the needs of humanity. A system without bosses or money where the working class collectively manages society and production will be for use, not for profit.

We also had time to talk to workers we hadn’t seen for a long time. For example, we were able to find out why Comrade V hasn’t been attending meetings lately.

“I have had some problems that have prevented me from attending, but I am open to the party’s ideas,” they explained.  “I understand the line and I admire the fight that is being made.”   We agreed to meet soon.

The action was successful because we distributed all 450 leaflets, which were not enough. The workers received it very well and some came to ask for it.



Ukraine War Motivates Factory Worker to Join ICWP

With the leaflet I got this week from the Red Flag, I have seen and read that the capitalist uses us to make profits that favor only them. As long as we can produce, they use us and when our labor power runs out, they put us aside. As factory workers we have confirmed this.

One of the comrades who led the meeting, where there were many workers from different factories, talked about involving the workers and soldiers.  Also, we have to organize our children for an armed revolution.

I am motivated by how the Party was born and because a big war, like the one that is taking place between Russia and Ukraine, can help us to organize more workers inside and outside the factories. From this comes my need to fight. I have started to think that we have to do a lot of work together, for a single objective to progress quickly in our organizational work.

My family is participating for the second time in these meetings, where we are learning to see things as they will have to be.

That is why today I join the ICWP collective and am ready to join the fight against capitalism. This is my way of thinking as an organized worker.

Long Live the International Working Class!

Long Live the International Communist Workers’ Party!

—Young maquila worker in El Salvador

The communist struggle in the maquilas

I was one of four ICWP communist comrades who met in a maquila in El Salvador. We were fighting to win new comrades and thus mobilize the masses for our cause, intensifying the struggle around our ideology and thus the fight for the communist society that we so desire.

We handed out flyers and addressed them to workers who came outside the maquila so that they know what our party is, an International Party that fights for a change in the system.

While doing this, it was a great satisfaction to meet comrades who already belong to our party. We stayed with them during the last international conference in December.  The conference achieved its objectives of improving relations and unifying us all again for our ICWP.  One expressed, “I’m glad to see you and that you are fighting for our cause.”

Another comrade told us, “I feel very grateful to feel the support of our party. Let’s go forward so that many more are part of our party.”

It is not easy, but we will never give up regardless of the obstacles we face, such as factory guards sent by their capitalist oppressors to make us go away, which they did not achieve.

It is a unique experience, full of personal growth, to know that we are fighting for the change necessary to end this society that eats away at us with inequality and division. We know very well that we must continue to mobilize to win more comrades and intensify our party line.

We will continue to deliver flyers and our Red Flag newspaper. If possible, we will take it to more maquilas so that the ideology of ICWP is known by more workers.   Thus we will strengthen the relationships that are our commitment and struggle.

—Comrade in El Salvador

Death of a Working-Class Fighter Inspires Renewed Commitment

We are very sorry for the passing of Comrade Elsa’s mother. She was a fighter who influenced her to take up revolutionary communist ideas.

We understand that it is the process of natural changes. We are all born, we grow, and in the end we die.

“She has gone, but she will always be present, she has left us her daughter, a great comrade, with an incomparable struggle for the party. Maybe it’s her commitment or her desire to change the world that puts her at the forefront of the work of the International Communist Workers’ Party,” said a comrade.

“I have reflected the image of anguish and vigilance that she had on Sunday, the day before her mother departed. But there she was with us at the meeting with the extended collective. She coordinated the effort that day, along with her comrade daughter,” said another comrade.

A third comrade wrote, “We are very sorry, but as Marx said, death is a natural process which we never get used to. However, there is much to celebrate in a life well lived that leaves its mark on proletarian history, contributing a revolutionary communist daughter and from this more communists.”

For us, the men and women workers of the maquilas, it gives us a good example, because sometimes we put forward excuses, maybe because we are not prepared enough.

Many comrades in the factories have written their condolences in our Red Flag group and in the social networks. I hope that with time and the example of this woman, the workers in the factory, especially the women, learn a lot.

—Comrade of the Maquilas, El Salvador

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