El Salvador: Sweatshop Workers Confront Martial Law, Organize for Communism

Martial Law here ♦ Red Flag fights here ♦ Communist women here ♦ Let’s fight for a communist society here ♦

“Mobilize the Masses for Communism — ICWP”

Martial Law in El Salvador:  Need to Destroy Capitalist System

EL SALVADOR, March 28— Tanks, military and police cars have been deployed in the poorest areas of the country. Thousands of young soldiers humiliate and intimidate young civilians. We must talk to the families of these soldiers and civilians so that they know that the enemy is the capitalist system.

The fascist government of Nayib Bukele, through control of the Legislative Assembly, on Sunday morning, March 27th, approved by decree an emergency regime for 30 days, which may be extended. This was announced as a measure in the face of increasing homicides attributed to gangs (62 murders on Saturday).  It is an issue that no one talks about for obvious reasons. This crisis has gotten out of control here and elsewhere.

The decree means that people are exposed to a suspension of laws such as freedom of assembly. It extends the length of administrative detention in prisons. Prison officials can review correspondence and communications without the right to defense.

The current and previous governments have been at the service of the capitalist economic powers, applying strategies that allow them to continue repressing the population.

Governments need wars, like this so-called “war on gangs.” They use them for electoral purposes and more. This seems to be the case in the face of criticism from the population for not having a security plan. Organized groups have made demands in the face of unfulfilled agreements by the government.

Faced with this scenario, they resort to repression, which makes it clear that this is an attack on the working class, however you look at it.

Since the peace agreements of 1992, new generations have lived under fascist government programs. These plans have had different names, including “citizen security,” “strong hand,” “super strong hand,” and “territorial control.”  Those who suffer from them are young people who live in populous and marginal areas.

As ICWP members we organize internationally to end all forms of repression by ending capitalism at its root. Communism will be a classless society. Therefore it will end the society’s inequality. This requires a strong and sharp struggle to organize the working class to join with communist ideas.

As communists we understand that under capitalism all governments without exception govern for the capitalist class. For their interests that are irreconcilable with those of the working class.

We represent the only organizational alternative for the struggle for the communist system: the International Communist Workers’ Party.

Red Flag Fights to Replace the Roots of Capitalism with our Communist System

EL SALVADOR, March 27—We showed a video of the police massacre of a group of workers and youth in Sharpeville, South Africa on March 21, 1960.

Afterward, a worker leader said, “It seems that in El Salvador there is no racism, because there are not many people of African descent. But there is already a racist group that is organizing here. The truth is that we indigenous people have always been discriminated against. It is an insult to call you ‘Indio.’ We must fight against racism as the Party says, in all the areas where the Red Flag is present.” he concluded.

A comrade leader asked, “Will the bosses give us the control of production if we ask for it?”

A young worker responded: “The bosses will never do things for our well-being. Whatever crumbs we have gotten, have been through organized struggle. From my experience I know that the unions end up contributing to the boss, so my answer is: NO.”

A new worker comrade wrote: “What does it mean to be a Party comrade? As an organized class in the factories and as comrades of the International Communist Workers’ Party, we already know where we are and where we are going: to communist revolution.

“Therefore, we must be aware and sure of what we are doing. Because when it comes to attacking the capitalist system, it’s like you want to touch a beehive without covering your body. I don’t know if the example is understood; but what I want to say as an organized worker in the Party is that the bosses are always prepared to wage war against the workers.

“If we threaten the profits produced by us (workers), from the products they sell, they don’t hesitate to attack us; they even try to exterminate us mentally and physically. We already know that it hurts millionaires to lose even a penny of the profits that we generate for them.”

What should we communists in ICWP do?

As the working class we must be aware and conscious of what we must do. For that we need to continue growing in ideological knowledge of communist ideas and continue organizing millions of workers around the world, to achieve the goal of implanting the system of the working class.

The bosses and their servants in the factories try in many ways to prevent our Red Flag newspaper from being delivered to workers, including physical threats or firings of comrades. But that encourages us to continue the frontal struggle against them and to know that we must defeat them with an organized struggle.

We, the ICWP comrades, must create a revolutionary army of workers, aware of the communist ideas of the Party. Because only united do we make a single proletarian force. It’s time to remove the fear that the boss instills in us. It is no longer time to continue oppressed.

We are in the time where we must think about what we want for our children. Only with a revolutionary army armed and organized around Red Flag can we achieve it.

El Salvador: Communist Women in the Struggle

Three women workers told us in a recent meeting that they had dedicated their entire lives to working in the maquilas (garment sweat shops), always suffering, and struggling to have a better life. Their family is the engine that drives them to continue despite the exhaustion, discrimination, and exploitation to which they are subjected.

E tells us that from very young she faced working under the most difficult situations, experiencing marginalization of all kinds since it was her first job. She was exploited and treated badly because she was a woman. She was harassed, making her look “less than,” in addition to the long and heavy days without benefits. She suffered this situation every day.

D said that all the workers have gone through the same thing, but she also felt that there was always a difference between men and women.  L agreed. At the same time, she believes that the Korean-owned maquilas are more exploitative than the American-owned ones, having worked in different maquilas. But she tells us that whichever bosses they are, workers are always exploited.

L told us to share our Red Flag digital newspaper with her so she can share it more easily with her friends. She said that we can meet, just as we were on this occasion.

In the end we came to the same conclusion:  that now is the moment for women’s leadership. It is a crucial moment to stand up and organize and at the same time share with other workers the need for this change from the capitalist society in which we live and seek the common good, without inequality.

That is why now more than ever is the time to rise up massively for our communist society, for our struggle. We can only achieve our dreams through constant work and commitment to fight for more comrades.

For more communist women!

—Comrade in El Salvador

Let’s fight for a communist society without money, where we produce what we need

The wife of a Party comrade who works in a factory asked him, “How can we live without money?” The comrade answered, “In Red Flag I have read that we will only produce what our class needs and not to generate profits for the bosses, as is happening today.”

He has shown her how the Red Flag newspaper talks about a society led by workers in which money will not exist. This young couple has discussions about what is written in Red Flag, about how a communist society will work.

She continued, “I don’t understand what it would be like to go to the store without money in my hand?”

So that the workers in the maquilas (garment sweatshops) and other parts of the world better understand what it will be like to live without money, we ask ICWP readers and comrades to write about this issue.

This week the different meetings of Party cells in the factories, where we have friends, readers, and comrades, had to be cancelled. The last cell meetings had been discussing the need to fight for a society organized by ICWP, where there is no money. We will continue with this topic.

The bosses enslave the workers with their threats of wage deductions and firings. The bosses had delayed exports and forced everyone to work up to twelve hours from Monday to Sunday, to fill the orders of their clients of each brand. Who is stealing from whom?

The Party, despite these inhuman acts that are so natural for the bosses and that affect our working class, used social networks to encourage the members of each cell to fight, because one day it will not be like that. In communism there will be no exploitation by the capitalists. What humanity needs will be produced.

In addition, we talked about needing to invite more workers for the historic May Day March 2022 with the Party. Among the slogans that we will shout in the main streets of the Salvadoran capital will be: “Workers don’t need money. They need to have their needs met.”

Only in this rotten bosses’ system does wage slavery exist. It is urgent to organize ourselves more in ICWP, fighting for a society without money. And to fight for communism, which is the only way to end capitalism.

—Comrade in El Salvador

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